Torn - Cynthia Eden Page 0,105

to get away from him.

There was the rustle of sound again. And then he grabbed her arm. But his hold wasn’t rough. It was ever so careful. “Not in this condition. I’ll help you.”

No, he wouldn’t.

But as soon as she got out of that bathroom, she’d be home free. Others would be out there. She’d break away from him. She’d get help.

He thought she was drugged.

He was so very wrong.

Flynn slid his arm around her, pulling her close against his body. “Did you think . . .” His breath blew against her ear. “. . . that we were done? Just because you said we were through?”

They’d never been together—­just a few hookups. That wasn’t a damn life commitment.

“I’m here to love you,” he said, his voice a rasp in her ear as they shuffled back toward the bathroom door. “And you are going to love me.”

The hell she would.

“I’ve seen it happen before,” Flynn murmured. “I knew just what to do with you. I learned.”

Learned? He was terrifying her.

Victoria figured they were almost at the door. Now that he wasn’t blocking it—­she shot out of his arms, lunging hard and fast to escape the bathroom. To escape him.

“Victoria!” He roared her name, but she’d grabbed the handle of the door. He was just seconds behind her. Seconds. She rushed into the narrow hallway. She could see the crush of people up ahead. Bodies dancing, hands in the air, music pumping—­

He grabbed her.

“Help me!” she screamed, desperate, even though she knew the music was too loud.

Flynn spun her back around and pinned her to the wall. Then he put his knife to her throat.

An image of Melissa flashed before her eyes. Melissa . . . Jim . . . their throats . . . blood.

One slice, that’s all it would take. Because she could feel the sharp blade already cutting into her skin.

“You didn’t finish that drink, did you?”

The bright light in that hallway glared down on them. He was surrounding her so completely. If anyone came up behind him, they wouldn’t even see the weapon. They’d just see two lovers, pressed tightly together.

They’d see what Flynn wanted them to see.

She stared up at him. Handsome Flynn. Still smiling the wide grin that flashed his dimples. But it was a grin that didn’t reach the coldness of his eyes.

“The drink would have made things easier, but I can still work with this.” He gave a nod. “Come with me. Don’t make a fucking sound. Or I will slit your throat right here and now.”

“DR. PALMER IS full of surprises,” Asher murmured as he glanced over at the packed bar and the line of women in their tight skirts. “You are so lucky you met her first. I’ve really got a thing for smart women . . . and if they like to wear short skirts . . . my kryptonite.”

“Fuck off,” Wade said as he jumped out of the Jeep.

“You’re welcome for the ride,” Asher called after him.

Wade waved him away with his middle finger and he headed right for the main door. The bouncer there put up a hand, and Wade shoved a fifty at him.

Then he was inside. The music was blaring. Bodies were slammed together on the dance floor. Pressed way too close.

His gaze scanned the booths. He didn’t see Victoria. Not in the booths, not on the dance floor, and not even at the bar.

Am I too late?

He pushed his way to the bar. The same bartender he’d met a few nights back—­hell, just a few nights?—­turned toward him.

“I’m looking for a woman,” Wade said.

The guy’s brows climbed, then beetled down low. “I know you . . .”

“Gorgeous redhead,” Wade continued. He lifted his hand. “This tall. Green eyes, curvy, and—­”

“I remember you . . . and her, from before.” The bartender put his hands down on the bar top. “Look, I keep hating to be the one to tell you this, but she went off with him again.”

“Him?” The noise around Wade seemed to dim.

“Yeah, him, you know, the blond she was with the first night you came hopping in here, searching for her.” The bartender’s gaze held pity. “The guy even brought her a drink a few minutes ago. Disappeared with it, and I haven’t seen him—­or her—­since.”

No, that didn’t make sense. Victoria was there to meet him. She wouldn’t just go out and hook up with some other guy. They were together.

Wade shook his head. That wasn’t right.

“Sorry, buddy,” the bartender said. “But Copyright 2016 - 2024