Torin (Hope City #9) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,52

mind, and he nodded his head slowly. “Bob, that’s the first smart idea you’ve had, probably in your whole life.”


“Oh, my God, can you believe this?” Erin clung to Torin’s arm as they walked into the palatial Hope City Convention Center and Arena. He grinned at her, enjoying her enthusiasm. The massive building was closed to the public, but once the runners were through the security checkpoints, they went to their designated areas to pick up their marathon packets.

He looked around in amazement. “It’s sure as hell efficient.” They made their way through the throng of marathon participants to the tables designated by their last names and received their bags filled with all of the race material they would need the next day, including their bib with the electronic timing device.

Huge posters of past marathons hung about the area, and they waited their turn to take pictures in front of past winners, background shots, and selfies. The mood of the room was one of excitement as the runners anticipated the marathon.

As they made their way toward the exits she gasped, and he quickly looked down to see what was wrong. Stopping suddenly, she turned to him, her hands landing on his chest, her gaze on him. His brow lowered, concern filling him. “Babe? he prodded.

“This… this is all…” She stopped and swallowed deeply.

Closing her eyes, she breathed slowly for a moment, and he gave her time to gather her thoughts. Finally, she looked up at him, offering a little smile.

“Oh, Torin, I’ve been only half-living for so long. Maybe not even half.” She dropped her gaze, staring at his chest. She winced, and he held her close, keeping his gaze intently on her.

“I’d planned on running before we became… well, before we became an us, but doing this on my own would have continued my half-life. Just going through the motions but not enjoying anything. Trying to move on, but not really living.”

“Babe.” This time he breathed the word in a bare whisper, his hand lifting to cup her face, her words scoring through him.

As though gathering her courage, she raised her chin and held his gaze. “You get me. You let me be me. You let me give myself to you in my own time. With you, I’m living.”

“Christ, babe,” he groaned, taking her lips in a searing kiss. After a moment, he lifted his head, pinning her to the spot with the intensity in his eyes. “We gotta get home.”

Laughing, she linked fingers with him, and together they pushed through the throng, finally making their way outside. Knowing they had no chance of catching a cab, he was glad she was spending the night at his apartment even if it was a thirty-minute walk. The sidewalks were filled with the crowds of people who had arrived to participate, witness, or cheer on a loved one in the race. The closer they got to the Celtic Cock, the faster they walked. Soon, they chased each other up the stairs, barely making it inside before falling on each other.

She laughed as they flung clothes everywhere just before he threw her over his shoulder and stalked toward the bedroom. She was still laughing as he tossed her onto the bed, a deep chuckle erupting from his chest as he landed next to her.

“I love that sound,” she whispered.

“What sound, babe?” he asked, leaning over her.

“I’ve decided my future is going to be filled with smiles, laughter, giggles, and chuckles.”

Grinning, he kissed her smile. “Coming from you, those are the best sounds in the world, babe.” Right then, he vowed to give her as many as possible.

Erin woke early, having spent the night with Torin. She’d been afraid of being too excited or too emotional to be able to sleep, but with Torin rocking deep into her body as they made love, she had slept like a baby.

Yesterday’s revelations when they’d picked up their race packets had rocketed through her. The enormity of what she was about to do had slammed into her, the turbulent thoughts vying for dominance. For the first time since John had died, she felt alive and knew he’d want her to do exactly what she was doing. I’m going to do this… really going to do this.

Blowing out a deep breath, she stared down at Torin, smiling as the sleep-relaxed expression eased the little lines from his eyes.

The meteorologist had called for perfect weather for the race, but with it still dark outside, she had no idea Copyright 2016 - 2024