Too Young to Die by Michael Anderle Page 0,267

and the daily costs for ICU could be as high as about $10,000 a day, down to $3,000 a day.

Now, someone with $150,000 worth of coverage (45 days at $5,000 a day) could have almost 200 days at $800.00 a day.

Now, what if they can actually heal someone while using PIVOT Labs’ product?

In any story, you have to have a challenge (the status quo) and the “bad guys” (the medical industry that pays to keep the status quo) and the heroes to fight the system.

In this story, it’s not just the one in the machine, but everyone outside as well. We don’t lack heroes or villains, and frankly, most of them might mean well, but there is a life in the balance.

Who is responsible for those decisions?

If you know much about my other stories, I typically write about larger-than-life enemies or obvious challenges.

In the PIVOT books (there are three in production at the moment), we build on this technology and mix our challenges. We won’t be able to overcome every challenge, but the human spirit will decide their own future in the end.

Because not every hero needs to save others. Sometimes they save themselves, and in the process, heal and bring joy to those they love.

Diary Entry Saturday, June 6, 2020 to Friday, June 12, 2020

Las Vegas is slowly opening from the Covid shutdown.

It is interesting what is going on here in Las Vegas as the city slowly opens back up (I live on the Strip, so I don’t know what is going on downtown.) I have been to the Venetian / Palazzo Hotels/Casinos on Thursday night and to Gold Coast on Friday night.

Specifically, I wanted the chicken wrap with spicy sauce in the Grand Lux and Chinese food at Ping Pang Pong in Gold Coast.

It was delicious.

While I did gamble on Thursday night, it just wasn’t the same as I remember back before the Pandemic shut all doors. Back then, everything was either a party, the late-night party, or the people leaving the party and more flying in to start that next night’s party.

Now, I’m waiting to see if the folks from California drive here or what happens if they don’t. Only a few hotels are open at the moment, and even the restaurants inside the open hotels are occasionally not open for business (or if open, they don’t have the same operating hours as before.)

It’s really weird.

But I’m thankful it IS happening.

I was talking w/ fellow author Craig Martelle driving to breakfast Wednesday, and I happened to be driving next to the airport and saw one jet land while another was taking off. I then looked around the runways and noticed about five jets lining up, waiting to take off.

My jaw almost dropped.

I hadn’t seen jets (more than one) on the tarmac in over two months. The airport had become almost like a ghost town. I remember one night last year counting seven jets lining up, their landing lights trailing off into the sky to land, and recently I couldn’t see seven jets at all unless you count a few parked somewhere.

Covid-19 has hurt the planet in so many ways. From the obvious of lives taken early to families’ savings wiped out, to pesticides and machinery not able to get to locations for the swarm of billions of locusts rampaging across east Africa and India.

If I had put all of this into a story, I think more than one reader might have told me I had placed too many challenges in the mix, and they thought ‘C’mon! Epidemics, swarms, floods, and famine? Get real, Michael!’

Real life has hit us all.

And yet, humans fight back. We fight back for all of the right reasons. Sometimes it’s amongst ourselves, sometimes against the insect population and sometimes against contagions.

I know that a couple of planes crossing a lonely tarmac in Las Vegas isn’t the same kind of sign as a beautiful flower amongst a destroyed landscape, but for me personally, it was a small sign that we as a world are getting back on our feet.

May you find your own flower as we rise up out of a completely horrible first half of 2020.

Ad Aeternitatem,

Michael Anderle

Steel Dragon

If you enjoyed this book, you may also enjoy Steel Dragon, from Michael Anderle and Kevin McLaughlin. The book is available now from Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

Dragons rule the world. Their claws are into every aspect of human life, from government to industry. But Kristen Hall is about to throw a wrench into all of that.

Because she’s a dragon, too. She just doesn’t know it…yet!

A dragon raised by humans, in the human world.

After graduating from the police academy, she’s dropped right into the ranks of Detroit’s elite SWAT team. A rookie, in SWAT? Unheard of. But what the dragons want, they get.

The reasons behind their machinations become clear as her dragon powers begin to surface.

Will Kristen rise to the challenges her new life delivers? What designs do the dragons have for her future? And perhaps most pressing of all — how did she come to be a dragon with human parents?

Get your copy today!

Books by Michael Anderle Copyright 2016 - 2024