Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,8

pregnant; ‘twas the easiest stage for me, but poor Fiona was miserable through that. Then of course is fully pregnant, then verra pregnant.” She pursed her lips in thought, her eyes sparkling. “Then extremely pregnant, which I think I was forever, and now alarmingly pregnant.”

Willing to keep playing, Davina tried to control her laughter as she tried to remember what else her sister had said. “And after that is absurdly pregnant?”

“Nay. First comes dangerously pregnant; ‘tis when ye’re just getting used to yer belly and ye keep bumping into things. I broke three mugs that way.”

Ridiculous! “Aright, dangerously, then absurdly. Then…overwhelmingly pregnant?” she guessed.

“Ooh, ‘tis a good one! Merewyn calls that stage too pregnant, although I’m going to suggest overwhelmingly pregnant. If she doesnae give birth soon, ‘twill be her classification.”

‘Twas impossible to keep track of all the stages, but there was one sister-by-marriage Katlyn hadn’t mentioned yet.

“And Fiona? Is there a name for her stage?”

Katlyn’s mismatched eyes sparkled as she hummed somberly. “Ah, aye, the rare case of hysterically pregnant.” But before Davina had the chance to laugh, her sister pulled her into a hug. “I’m so glad ye’re here, Vina,” she whispered, her tone no longer light, her voice shaking.

Davina’s protective instincts kicked in. “What’s wrong? They are treating ye well, right? Is it the other ladies?”

“Och, nay!” Kat straightened just enough to smile at her but didn’t release her from the hug. “I love ye and Grandda, but I cannae believe how much I love my new family. All is well.”

It was the way she winced a bit at that last line which had Vina grasping her elbows. “Kat, what are ye no’ telling me?”

“All sorts of things!” her sister joked. “Have I written to ye about the ghosts?”

“The ghosts, plural?” Davina frowned. “I ken of the Ghostly Drummer of Oliphant Castle. Hearing his drumming portends doom.”

“Aye, although Aunt Agatha has always said it doooooms those who hear him to fall in love. She also says there’s plenty of other ghost and spooky tales associated with Oliphant Castle, but nae one else has claimed to see any of them.”

The subject of ghosts surely wasn’t the reason her sister had hugged her so tightly. “I dinnae believe ghosts are real, Kat.”

“I said the same thing, except I keep seeing strange sights nae one else has. Like a sad-looking woman in an auld dress, and a monk who keeps laughing at me.”

Davina peered closer at her sister and sniffed. Nay, there wasn’t alcohol on her breath, and her eyes looked fine. Mayhap ‘twas the changes in her body which were affecting her mind.

“I’m sure,” she murmured politely, determined to keep an eye out for these so-called ghosts. One loud drummer was enough, thankyeverramuch. “We have much to catch up on apparently.”

Suddenly, Katlyn tugged her into another fierce hug. “I’m so glad ye're here,” she repeated, her voice wobbly. “I’ve missed ye so much, and I need ye here at my side.”

And Davina heard the unspoken words, the unspoken fear. So much could go wrong, even with an experienced midwife on hand. Although she believed the saints wouldn’t finally grant her sister this happiness, only to take it away after such a short time, Davina knew the fear would hang over their heads until Kat’s bairn was safely delivered.

So she hugged her sister, her eyes closed, inhaling the scents she’d missed for so many months. “I’m pleased to be here too, Kat. And I’ll be here as long as ye need me.”

And if that meant staying here in Oliphant Castle past the time Grandda wanted to leave, so be it. If that meant staying here while Graham ignored her, then she’d do her best to ignore him too.

Because, even if he’d broken her heart, her sister needed her. And that was more important than her pain or bitterness. Katlyn’s safety was paramount, and Davina would endure any embarrassment and pain to ensure it.

Chapter 2

It had been lovely to spend the afternoon with Kat, catching up on gossip and stories and laughing together. She was only a year older than Davina, and as Davina had grown up knowing the fate of the MacKinnon clan rested on her shoulders, Kat had been her support. The older sister, who’d been told she was unmarriageable because of her so-called “devil-cursed” eyes, had taught Davina how to run a household and care for their grandfather.

Now, it was good to have the chance to take care of her.

Both sisters were rested by the time they—slowly—made their Copyright 2016 - 2024