Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,6

exhaling, loving the feel of the spring sun on her face after being stuck alone in that carriage for so long. At least the weather had cleared enough to allow for traveling.

A small smile was on her lips when she opened her eyes and saw the man by the parapet above.


Her eyes locked with his, and she froze.

Her first thought was, Grandda’s going to be riled as a bees’ nest…and strangely, that fact didn’t bother her as much as it should. Because Graham was here, and she cursed her traitorous heart when it sped up.

Aye, Graham’s here, but he wants naught to do with ye, remember?

But he was staring at her awfully hard, was he not? She wished she could see his lovely dark blue eyes closer in order to get some hint at what he was feeling.

Nay. Nay. Dinnae think like that.

He was the one who’d sworn to love her forever, but then had refused to communicate with her. She was the wounded one here.

So it took all her strength to close her eyes, to turn away, to drop her chin…just in time to hear her name being screamed by a voice she knew well.

“Vina! Vina, ye’re here!” Katlyn was running across the courtyard, if what she was doing could be called running as ‘twas really more of a fast waddle, but she was laughing with joy by the time she reached Davina.

Vina’s mouth dropped open as she saw the changes in her sister. “Kat! Look at ye! Ye’re…”

“Fat! I’m fat!”

Both of them burst into laughter as they threw their arms around one another, and Vina felt tears gathering in her eyes at the same time. Tears of happiness, she assured herself. ‘Twas only because she was so excited to see her sister.

“I cannae even hug ye! How does Kiergan see his way around this giant lump?”

Katlyn linked her arm through Davina’s and began to pull her toward the main doors. “He manages well enough, I can tell ye.” She winked lewdly. “And if ye think I’m large, wait ‘til ye see Fiona!”

“Och, Fiona’s no’ had her bairn yet?” By the time Davina and Grandda had left Oliphant Castle last summer, Kat’s sister-in-law was already showing.

“Nay, and the other day, Merewyn mentioned Fiona’s big enough to be carrying two bairns, and Finn almost vomited!”

It likely wasn’t that funny, but Vina found herself laughing along with her sister, pleased to be tucked up against her like old times. “And Merewyn? How fares she?”

“Also as big as a house.” Kat rubbed her stomach in the most charming way, obviously a habit she’d developed over the months of pregnancy. “But ye ken her; she’s still rushing about, bossing us all around. She’ll have her hands full if we all start laboring while she’s still pregnant!”

If that happened, at least they’d have…

As if pulled by an invisible string, Davina’s chin turned over her shoulder, her eyes seeking out the man on the parapets. He wasn’t there anymore, and she wasn’t certain if she was relieved or disappointed to learn Graham hadn’t stood there to watch her leave.

Had he been here at Oliphant Castle all these months, and Kat hadn’t mentioned him in her letters? Or had he only returned for the births?

He was a trained medical man, and although ‘twas not proper a man be present at such a feminine event, having someone like him on hand would be a blessing if Merewyn wasn’t able to help because of her own labor.

Aye. ‘Twas likely the reason Graham had returned, right? No other reason.

Swallowing down a feeling very much like disappointment, Davina forced herself to focus on her sister’s words as Katlyn chattered happily about the future and Merewyn’s teasing.

Davina shot her sister a sideways look as they started climbing the stairs, making sure each step she took was stable in case Kat needed to lean on her. “Is it likely that Merewyn will still be pregnant when ye and the others begin yer labor? Ye told me she fell pregnant before she was even married, which would put her ahead—”

“Och, aye, she’ll likely be the next after Fiona. But naught is set in stone.”

“Would ye be disappointed if that happened?”

Katlyn’s chuckle was husky. “Nay. Rocque would make a good laird if Finn doesnae beat him to it.”

“But Kiergan is yer husband.”

“Aye, and I’ll support him and love him as I’m able. He would also make a good laird if given the opportunity. As would Malcolm, since Evelinde is so close to her time Copyright 2016 - 2024