Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,49

future of the MacKinnon clan rested on her shoulders, and she’d often dream about her wedding day. Her bridegroom would be one her grandfather had chosen—powerful and wealthy. She’d known he’d likely care naught for her, so she’d focused on what she could control: her gown, the decorations, and the menu for the celebration. She’d be married in springtime, and fresh flowers would abound.

But the reality was much better.

Her bridegroom wasn’t powerful or wealthy, but he loved her with an intensity she knew no one else could ever match. The shining look of love in his eyes when he stood with her at the altar meant more than the most blinding smile ever could. It was springtime, but she’d opted to forgo the flowers so she could hold her husband’s hands instead.

Aye, ‘twas a simple wedding, but one which filled her with joy. There wasn’t a single representative from his mother’s clan there, but the MacVanishes weren’t missed. Instead, the small chapel was filled with Oliphants and MacKinnons, and when Father Ambrose gave his blessing, the gathered clanspeople burst into cheers.

The future of the MacKinnons was safe. They’d have a strong laird, a caring laird, and a good alliance with the Oliphants.

Her wedding was nothing as she’d imagined. It was far, far better.

And besides, now her wedding day was finally here, Davina was realizing it mattered far less than the wedding night.

As Graham carried her up the steps, the cheers of the celebrating crowd faded below. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her cheek to his shoulder, and inhaled his scent, finding it hard to believe, after so long, she was finally here.

When he kicked the door to his small chamber closed behind them, she was surprised he didn’t immediately put her down. Lifting her head, she met his eyes. “What are ye doing?”

His expression was serious, but his dark blue eyes sparkled as he studied her. “I’m savoring.”

“Savoring what?”

His lips twitched. “Savoring this moment. Savoring the feel of my wife in my arms.”

‘Twas the way he growled the last, the way the look in his eyes changed to promising, which had her shivering with anticipation. When his gaze dropped to her lips, she unconsciously dragged her lower one between her teeth.

He slowly lowered her, until her slippered feet touched the floor. Now he had a free hand to lift and brush across her lip.

“Dinnae do that, love,” he whispered. “I cannae stand the thought of ye abusing these poor lips.”

Her eyes grew wide as she released her lip, and her fingers laced together in front of her, for lack of anything else to do.

“Why?” she asked, breathless in anticipation.

His fingers slid through the hair at her temples as his palms cupped her jaw. “Because that’s my job,” he murmured, before he lowered his lips to hers.

With a whimper, Davina unlaced her fingers and wrapped her arms around his neck, reveling in the feel of her husband. They’d left the celebration soon after Father Ambrose declared them wed and had had no chance to kiss downstairs. This was her first kiss as a married woman, and it was so, so much better than anything she could’ve imagined.

Groaning, Graham deepened the kiss, holding her captive, as his lips nipped and pulled and suckled in the most glorious ways. His tongue flicked in and out, across and over, teasing her and heightening her senses in a way she’d never experienced.

Because she knew what this kiss would lead to.

For the first time, she was going to truly belong to Graham Oliphant.

When he dragged his fingers across her scalp, scattering her simple coiffure, her curls fell down around her shoulders, and his lips moved to her jawline, then to that delightful place below her ear.

“Graham,” she whispered, arching against him, her pelvis grinding against his hardness, “please.”

“Aye, love.” His murmur against her skin made her shiver, but not as much as when he began to kiss his way down her neck. “Soon.”

“No’ soon enough!” she gasped, her hand fumbling for the ties of her gown. “Please.”

Chuckling, he straightened, and she froze. He was chuckling?

He was smiling?

“Ye are an impatient lass, are ye no’?”

“Graham, are ye feeling well?”

His smile stayed in place. “I’m feeling better than I ever have in my life. Here, let me help ye.”

Upon giving the order, he turned her just enough to be able to reach the ties under her arm and deftly loosened them enough so her bodice gaped. His movements were so clinical and matter of fact, Copyright 2016 - 2024