Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,44

whimpers and full-out screaming in pain, as the contractions came faster and harder.

But Davina was determined to be useful, so after she washed her hands and face, she stepped up beside Graham. ‘Twas the look in his eyes when he glanced at her—determined, and grateful—which gave her hope for the first time since she’d turned and saw her sister in so much pain.

“What do ye need?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Hot water, clean linens, and prayers.”

“Do ye think she’ll—”

Her lips couldn’t seem to form the question, but he squeezed her hand, telling her he understood.

“I will do everything I can to save her, Vina,” he vowed softly.

Because right now, whether the bairn was a lassie or a lad—the laird’s first grandson—mattered not at all. All that was important was Katlyn.

Graham stepped up to the bed. “I’m going to examine ye, Kat,” he explained calmly, reaching for her skirts. She didn’t respond, but Kiergan nodded curtly.

When Graham lifted her skirts, exposing Katlyn’s thighs streaked with blood and other fluids, Davina whimpered softly and leaned against the bed. Gently, he spread Kat’s thighs, prodding and murmuring softly. He’d just pressed his ear to her belly when a commotion began out in the hall.

“Put me down, ye great ox!”

‘Twas Merewyn, and Rocque rumbled in reply, “Ox I may be, love, but ye’ll no’ exert yerself.”

When they stepped into the room, Merewyn struggled out of his hold. “She’s in labor. I’m a midwife.”

“Aye, a midwife in labor herself,” Graham called in a stern voice as he straightened. “What do ye think ye can accomplish here?”

Angrily, Merewyn gestured to the way Katlyn’s gown was rucked up immodestly. Even Rocque was staring at the ceiling, rather than looking at his sister-in-law’s lady bits. “I can protect a helpless woman from—”

She broke off with a gasp, sagging against her husband’s side, as she pressed a hand to her lower back. At that moment, Katlyn began screaming again.

Graham’s attention darted back to his patient, and Merewyn gasped, “The bairn— In the correct position—” She broke off with a groan, her eyes closed against the pain. “If ‘tis dead, she needs to birth it— Quickly.”

“I ken it,” Graham snapped, pointing at Rocque. “Get her out of here.”

“Nay,” moaned Merewyn, and Graham’s temper snapped.

He slid from the bed and marched over to the midwife, who was bent in pain. Davina saw him draw a breath to lecture her, but his expression changed at the last moment. He studied her for a moment.

“Will ye move in here so I can be near ye if ye need me?”

“Nay!” she gasped, and Rocque gathered her in his arms.

“Moira and Lara are helping her.” Rocque’s tone was strangely proud when he added, “She’s stubborn, but she’s usually right.”

“Usually?” his wife moaned. “I’m a midwife. I ken what I’m doing, Graham.”

He nodded. “Ye willnae allow me to help ye, but I will help Katlyn.” He leaned in closer, his tone intense when he promised, “Dead or alive, even if I have to cut this bairn from her, I will save Katlyn’s life.”

Merewyn’s face was pale, but her lovely gray eyes widened. “Ye can do that?”

His expression showed only certainty. “I will.”

The midwife studied his face, then nodded and turned her attention to Rocque. “Come, husband. Take me someplace quiet where we can meet our son in peace.”

With a grunt, Rocque scooped her into his arms, and then they were gone.

As Graham hurried back to the bed, Davina stopped him with a touch. “Cut out the bairn?” she asked in a low voice, not wanting Katlyn nor Kiergan to hear.

Her love hesitated a moment—she was certain no one but her would’ve noticed—and nodded. “I’ve heard it can be done, but I’ll no’ try it ‘til nae hope is left.” His gaze was on Katlyn’s tight belly. “I cannae be certain, but I thought I heard a heartbeat.”

Suddenly filled with hope, Davina stepped back. “Go. Save my sister.”

She watched in amazement as his deft hands—hands she’d come to love even more over the last fortnight—touched and prodded and examined. The whole while, he was murmuring softly, reassuringly, to the stricken couple.

He took Kiergan’s hands in his and placed them atop Katlyn’s belly. “The next time the pains start, press here.”

“Will it help?” Kiergan croaked.

Graham didn’t look at him when he answered. “ ’Twill help ye feel useful at least.” He gathered Katlyn’s hands in his own. “Katlyn? Kat, sweet, open yer eyes. Open yer eyes, sister.”

On his third prompt, Davina sucked in a gasp as Katlyn Copyright 2016 - 2024