Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,29

which made her almost break down again. “But Agatha and Angus will be confusing.”

Her joy made her heart feel light. “I think ‘tis sweet.”

Suddenly he was pulling her into his arms. “I think ‘tis wonderful,” he murmured. “The two of them will finally get married.”

“I kenned ye were a romantic, Graham.”

“I’m a romantic for ye because I love ye. But ‘tis no’ what I meant.”

“Aye,” she agreed. “With Grandda distracted by his newfound love…”

“And his wife,” he finished, “ ’twill allow us the time to be together in the open.”

“No’ in secret,” she breathed.

He stole a quick kiss, then found her hands in the darkness. “Lady Davina, will ye do me the pleasure of escorting ye on a walk down to the village?”

A walk. A simple walk.

The thought likely shouldn’t make her heart soar so high, but it did. Since they’d met, she and Graham had been forced to hide their love. Forced to meet in secret, in the dark.

But now…

“My love, naught would give me more pleasure.”

Chapter 7

“Have ye seen Fiona and the bairns?” Davina called as they slowed their horses. They’d spent the afternoon riding in the meadow, the spring air biting, but the sun welcome.

As they cantered toward the castle gate, he nodded to her. “Aye, this morn. Fiona is healing well, and Mary seems almost angelic. Elizabeth is giving her parents fits, refusing to eat.”

Davina’s cheeks were glowing when she chuckled. “Yesterday I visited, and the ungrateful bairn spit up all over me! Finn looked exhausted but said Merewyn had recommended they supplement with goat’s milk. Evie told me Tomas was like that when he was younger.”

“Och, I’ve heard horror stories of how he’d spit all over anyone, with the least provocation.” Graham felt his lips twitch at the memory of Malcolm’s stories. “But he’s healthy and happy now.”

They reined in their mounts at the same time when they reached the stables, and Graham tipped his head back to catch the sun’s warmth. He inhaled and realized he’d never—never, that he could recall, at least—felt this content.

A beautiful day, a chance for some recreation, and the woman he loved at his side.

In the fortnight since their scheme had paid off, he’d been able to spend more and more time with Davina. Mainly because her grandfather was too preoccupied to notice. Aunt Agatha had married Angus MacKinnon at a small ceremony on Easter Monday, with Father Ambrose joyfully presiding. Graham liked the priest—especially the way he cared for his flock’s physical wellbeing as well as spiritual—and was as pleased to have him back as he was glad the Lenten privations were over.

But mostly, he was pleased to just be with Davina. In the last fortnight, they’d had the time to ride together, to go out walking, to sit and discuss medical theories, and laugh together. Well, he’d done the medical discussing, and she’d done the laughing, but they’d been together. Not in secret.

It had been heavenly.

His family accepted her as one of their own now. When he realized that, ‘twas just one more reason to feel grateful he’d found his place with the Oliphants. He knew wherever he went and whatever he did, he’d still find a welcome here at Oliphant Castle. His brothers would always support him and care about him, and that was a heady feeling.

Aye, these days with her had shown him what he wanted in life. He wanted Davina. He wanted her laughter, her smiles, her teasing wit, and her support. He wanted her kindness. He wanted her love.

And he wanted her for a wife.

Now, he had almost all those things, and she had his love…but she wasn’t his. Not yet. So aye, he was happy…but he was also impatient. Now he’d seen what life with her could be like, and he wanted it all.

Her voice interrupted his musings. “Are ye going to lift me down, or must I struggle down by myself?”

He opened one eye and glared at her, even as he prepared to dismount. “Ye are perfectly capable of climbing off a horse on yer own, Vina.”

“Aye, but then I dinnae get to feel yer hands on me.” There was laughter in her voice, and he almost smiled as he strode to her.

And aye, his hands lingered on her waist, far longer than was proper. In fact, he even ducked his head and stole a kiss from her lips, not caring who was watching. Everyone who could see already knew he’d claimed Davina MacKinnon as his own.

Her grandfather was the only Copyright 2016 - 2024