Too Scot to Hold (The Hots for Scots #8) - Caroline Lee Page 0,24

to her about— What are ye doing?”

“I’m kissing yer neck.” She matched word to deed. “Ye dinnae seem to mind.”

She knew this because of the growing hardness under her thigh.

“Ye are so easily distracted, lass?”

“Nay, I’m distracting ye.”

She felt his chuckle. “That ye are. I suppose we can scheme later.”

“I dinnae think we have long afore I must return to my chambers, but long enough for ye to make me yers.”

He stilled, his hands tightening momentarily on her hips before he blew out a breath and eased his hold. Running his hands up her sides, he sounded almost apologetic when he said, “Ye ken I’ll no’ take yer virginity, Vina.”

“Ye’re taking naught. I’m giving it to ye.”

His hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushing against the nipple. Instinctively, she arched her back, and he held her against him.

“I ken ye have a strong will, lass, but I’ll no’ give in on this. When we’re married, then I’ll make ye mine. ’Til then, ye’re no’ truly mine, are ye?”

“I’ve always been yers, Graham.” She moaned as he dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “I love ye.”

“And I ye. But as I told ye last summer, I cannae fook ye.”

His coarse language sent a shiver through her, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Ye can.”

“Lass…” He was breathing heavily when he dropped his forehead to hers. “My whole life, I’ve had to fight for what I wanted. Ye’d no’ believe the row I had with my uncle when I told him I wanted to study medicine, ‘til I convinced him ‘twould be a good way to get rid of me. I am nae one. Even now I’ve found my father’s family, I’m still just one more Oliphant bastard. I have naught to recommend me.”

“Ye are caring, strong, thoughtful, intelligent, brave, kind—” She was certain she could go on, but when he pinched her nipple, she broke off her litany with a gasp.

“I love ye for seeing me that way. But to outside men—to yer grandfather—I am naught. If I—when I win yer hand, ye’ll be mine, truly. No’ just in our hearts, but in the eyes of man and God as well.”

“I see.” She gasped as he lifted her breast to his tongue. “Ye want to brag a little. So ye’ll no’ fook me ‘til we’re married, because ye want to prove ye’ve won me as…what? A prize?”

“Aye, lass,” he growled, his lips teasing her skin, “ye are a prize.”

She squirmed against his hardness. “I think…I think we should have this argument about fooking me later.”

When he glanced up, there was a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I willnae fook ye, Vina, but I can bring ye pleasure in a dozen ways I have no’ taught ye yet.”

“Show me!” she gasped.

His growl reached down into her core and tugged, causing a flood of liquid warmth of anticipation. “Gladly.”

“Milady Davina, how pleasant to see ye today.” When Graham bent over her hand, greeting her as if they’d not parted before dawn, sated and more in love than ever, Davina had a hard time hiding her smile. In fact, judging from the twinkle in his eyes, he was enjoying the subterfuge as much as she was.

“Master Oliphant,” she murmured, dropping her gaze becomingly as she offered a slight curtsey.

No one who saw them come upon one another during the seemingly innocuous stroll in the kitchen garden would think they were doing aught but enjoying the unseasonably warm spring air. No one, that is, except Aunt Agatha, who was clinging to her great-nephew’s arm.

Davina had met the old woman last summer when she’d taken her and Katlyn under her wing and demanded they refer to her by the family title of “Aunt.” Now Kat could rightfully claim the relation, Davina had decided to mimic her older sister.

“Aunt Agatha, how are ye this fine afternoon?”

The woman leaned upon her cane, which Graham swore was mostly for hitting people, and peered suspiciously at Davina. “Better than ye, I should say. Ye look as if ye’ve been trampled by a donkey.”

Davina blinked at the description and resisted the urge to send a naughty glance Graham’s way. “I assisted with Fiona’s birthing last night.”

“Och, that must be it. This young lad has already been to see the mother and wee bairns this morning, which is likely why he’s so peaked as well.” She patted Graham’s arm. “Always looking after others, this one is,” she declared proudly.

“Aye.” ‘Twas why Davina loved him so much. “And how are the Copyright 2016 - 2024