Tongue (Ruthless Kings MC #8) - K.L. Savage Page 0,69

get to the main room, it’s reminds me of a big garage since there is metal door leading outside where people are coming in and out of. The ring itself is fenced and there are bleachers on either side.

Above the ring, there is a dull yellow light and to the right is a stage with a microphone. I’m going to assume that is where Moretti stays since a throne-like chair is in the middle. Only a man in charge would sit in that chair. It’s painted gold and the cushions are a dark red, like blood. I read somewhere red is a power color. If so, Maximo and Tongue are a lot alike.

Conversation is running rampant around us, so loud it’s nearly giving me a headache. Smoke clings to the ceiling, similar to rainclouds and they block the light like the moon does the sun during an eclipse.

“She can sit in my chair since she is injured, Tongue. I will not let a lady suffer.” Maximo holds out his hand, wanting me to take it so he can help me from Tongue’s arms.

Tongue doesn’t seem to like that idea, so he climbs up the steps to the stage and places me gently on the chair. He pushes my hair behind my ears, and I run my fingers through the new haircut we gave him. The pieces are still long, slightly curling around his nape, keeping it shaggy with a careless appeal.

He smashes his mouth against mine, kissing me senseless in front of everyone. We break apart, and he lays his forehead against mine. “Every kill is for you,” he says.

“For us,” I correct him.

“Okay, five fights. That’s the deal. You have to win, or the deal is off, and I call your Prez and tell him all the dirty details.”

Tongue straightens and his abs flex. His tattoos come to life, moving and dancing over the natural detailing of his body. There is one spot that is bare and it’s right over his heart. It’s easy to assume why, but I wonder if he was waiting for something special.

“I won’t even break a sweat by the time the last one falls,” Tongue says, then jumps on the fence and climbs up it like a monkey. When he gets to the top, he stares at me over his shoulder, winks, and jumps ten feet to the ground.

Everyone falls silent when the thunderous boom shakes the floor from Tongue’s weight He looks like a superhero as he drags his fist across the dirt. A sandstorm dances around him as he straightens to his impressive height.

He is a furious storm ready to unleash catastrophe.

I don’t feel bad for whoever gets in the ring with him because whoever chooses to go against him is a dumbass.

“What are you going to do if your psychopath dies?” Maximo asks, leaning against the throne. He dips into his pocket and pulls out two cigars. He hands me one.

I shake my head. “No, thank you. And he isn’t going to die.”

“What if he does?”

“He won’t,” I snip, annoyed that Maximo is testing me.

“If he does, you’re more than welcome to stay with me. I’ll give you all the riches. Your beauty deserves to be dripping in all the diamonds. Your body deserves to be bathed in cash and lavish oils.” Maximo is closer now, his lips almost brushing against my ear, and I lean away.

Tongue is against the fence, clenching the chains with his fingers as he stares at Maximo. His chest heaves and his nostrils flare.

“The only thing I ever want my body bathed in, is Tongue.”

Maximo twirls my hair around his finger, and I whip back, astonished he would touch me. “I can have that rearranged.”

“I’d rather—” Maximo grunts, falling backwards onto his ass when I see the familiar ivory handle sticking out of his shoulder.

I snap my head toward the fence and see Tongue sitting on top of it, pissed off, but satisfied he hurt Maximo.

The crowd gasps and doesn’t dare to cheer when they see the man that runs this show on the ground, yanking the knife from his shoulder. “That bastard fucking stabbed me,” Maximo grits, tossing the knife on the ground. Blood spatters along the dirt and I bend over and pick it up.

It’s lighter than I thought. I grip the handle tight and stand. “Be glad he didn’t kill you. Maybe now you get the point. I am his and if he dies, I’d rather die than be with anyone else.” I Copyright 2016 - 2024