Toasty (Cozy #2) - Alexa Riley Page 0,8

clenched teeth, and I shake my head.

“Not until you agree that this bullshit is up and you’re coming home with me tonight.” She shakes her head and I become an immovable wall. “Then I’ll just have to push you in my limo and fuck you like last time.”

This time when her hand comes up to slap me, I grab her wrist to keep her palm from making contact.

“Don’t tell me you don’t slide your hand between your legs every night and think about it.” I bring her wrist to my mouth and brush my lips down the tender skin there. “Tell me you don’t cum on your fingers while you yearn for them to be my cock.”

Now she’s the one to lean in, and for a second I think she’s going to kiss me. “The second I got out of that limo I forgot your name.”

I drop her hand like it’s on fire and I can’t read the look in her eyes. She takes the opportunity to slip out and open the door. The petite, dark-haired woman on the other side of the door has worried eyes as she looks between us.

“Is everything okay, Ms. Myra?” she asks, and I watch as Myra straightens her shoulders.

“Don’t worry, he’s no one.”

When she goes to walk away from me I call out her name. “Myra.” She pauses, and although she doesn’t turn around she does peek over her shoulder. “That’s strike two.”

She licks her lips and resumes her stride down the hall, and I clench my fists at my sides. She can play this game for a little longer, but we both know how it will end.

Chapter 4


“Are you hiding out in here?” I turn at the sound of Celia’s voice.

I thought I was going to have a stolen moment with my third piece of wedding cake. Okay, maybe it’s my fourth, but I tried to hide my cake shame in the kitchen this time. I was going to eat it alone without someone watching and possibly judging.

“I’m not hiding.” That is a complete lie. Kace can stare at someone else for a few minutes, and the thought turns my stomach. No, that’s the cake…or the baby.

“Sure,” Celia chuckles before heading back out of the kitchen and leaving me alone once again. The second she exits, Kace walks in.

I roll my eyes and walk quickly with my cake out the other door. I dart back into the reception area, knowing that if I stay with the crowd of people it will keep him at bay. For now. My time is running out and the wedding will come to an end soon. I don't know what’s going to happen afterwards, but Kace never bluffs.

I take my seat next to my sister’s empty chair. Timber has her on his lap and is feeding her cake. She’s living the dream in her castle with all these desserts and dancing the night away.

I smile at them because I’m so happy for her. She’s going to have it all, and if anyone deserves that it’s her. Pippa lights up anything she touches with her sweet soul. It’s impossible to look at her and not smile. After getting to know Timber over the last few weeks, I see how he needs her and he’ll spend his life worshiping my sister.

“Where’s your shadow?” Bruce asks as he sits down in the seat next to me.

I watch as Timber carries Pippa out onto the dance floor once again.

“What?” I pretend I have no idea what he’s talking about as I take another bite of my cake. I look across the room, and like always my eyes find Kace’s. He’s staring right at me just like he’s been doing all night.

A beautiful woman walks in my line of sight, blocking my view for a second.

“You know who I’m talking about.” I turn to Bruce, who’s looking at the woman and his eyes pause on her cleavage. I shake my head at him, not the least bit surprised.

When I glance at Kace, I see he didn't even notice her.

“Why did you bring him here?” Kace has been giving Bruce death stares all night. I’m pretty sure they almost got into another fist fight an hour ago.

“It’s rather entertaining.” Bruce shifts and leans in closer to me.

His arm goes around my chair and his eyes dance with mischief. He’s terrible. I’m terrible, too, because I lean toward him. I’ve worked with Bruce and gotten to know him during my years working for Kace. Copyright 2016 - 2024