Tina (Clans of Europa) - Tracy St. John Page 0,53

his professional demeanor.

Tukui leaned close to his navigation computer, a frown forming. Osopa quickly scanned his own instruments and saw a problem.

A huge problem.

Tukui had already activated the ship’s cloak from his station. As First Officer Simdow turned from the helm questioningly, Osopa keyed the com for ship-wide broadcast, as well as a private frequency. He started speaking before Captain Tranis acknowledged the transmission. “Captain Tranis and Commander Lidon to the bridge. Tragoom ship detected entering sensor range. All hands to battle stations. I repeat, all hands to battle stations.”

Simdow raced to the captain’s station, where he quickly scanned the readings. He barked, “Navigator, ready headings for both escape and fight. Weapons Subcommander, they appear to be homing in on the captured Earther transport.”

Osopa armed the vessel’s weapons. “Confirmed. No sign they’ve detected our presence.”

Tranis and Lidon burst onto the bridge. The weapons commander assumed his place at his station, next to Osopa’s. His fingers blurred over the controls.

“Report.” The captain hurried straight to Simdow.

“The Tragoom vessel has changed course to intercept, but I don’t think they realize we’re here. We cloaked the instant we detected them. Their interest appears to be on the Earther transport.”

“Estimated time they’ll be in firing range?”

“Ten minutes.” Lidon tapped a rapid tattoo on his computer. Osopa’s fingers danced over his commands as well, bringing up schematics of the enemy vessel, scanning for details on their arsenal, computing battle scenarios.

His superior’s tone took on a growling quality. “Three-quarters of our medical personnel and one-third of security are on Europa with the Mataras. Another five Nobeks are guarding prisoners on the Earther transport.”

Osopa’s heart dropped to his gut. The spyship was short-manned, the crew scattered. Between time and available space, there was no way to bring everyone onto the vessel. The odds were more daunting when he brought up the data on the Tragooms’ craft and weapons. Captain Tranis didn’t try to hide his concern.

We can’t defend three different targets at once. Not against that.

Osopa stared at the enemy vessel drawing closer to their position. It was a squat, ridiculous-looking thing, a jumble of mismatched parts. The bell-shaped bow was from an Adraf battle frigate. Part of the midship hull had the unmistakable sleek form of a Bi’isil hunter-killer, which had been combined with that of an old Kalquorian raider. The engines, exposed at the stern rather than housed in protective casing, belonged to the massive battlecruisers of Earth. The rest was a muddle of other craft from numerous species. It looked like a flying junkheap, but Osopa knew better than to take the seeming collection of castoffs as a joke. As barbaric as the Tragoom race was, its members were astoundingly talented at piecing together daunting war machines. Too many Kalquorians dying from Tragoom attacks had proven that point.

“What about the transport’s weapons?”

The captain’s question brought a surge of excitement. Commander Lidon took pleasure in answering. “Enough firepower to give that Tragoom raider pause. Earthers love their weaponry.”

Lidon hurried off to take command of the captured transport. Left in charge of the spyship’s weapons, Osopa focus narrowed to that of a surgical laser. The faces of his clan, particularly Tina’s, goaded him to be sure he’d done all that was possible to keep the spyship safe.

“The transport’s weapons are arming, Captain. Commander Lidon is bringing it about to face the enemy.”

“Keep close. Stand by to de-cloak and fire on the Tragoom vessel.”

Commander Lidon’s voice rang out over the com speakers. Having boarded the captured Earther transport, he spoke in English. Osopa was impressed with how convincing his superior sounded as a territorial Earther, ready to fight. “Attention, Tragoom vessel. You have entered Earth-controlled space. This is a hostile act. State your intentions and prepare to surrender your vessel. This is your only warning before we open fire.”

Osopa reported, “The Tragooms haven’t altered course, Captain. They’re still coming. The transport is at full stop, waiting for them.”

“Bringing us to full stop too,” Simdow reported.

“Captain, if the Tragooms attack the transport, we’re close enough to catch a shock. Gravity control might go offline for a moment. I suggest everyone lock down using the physical restraints at their stations.”

Tranis nodded to Osopa. “Excellent suggestion, Subcommander. Send out the order.”

“In firing range in five seconds.” Osopa watched his readouts as he buckled himself to his podium, sparing a quick glance to make sure Tukui did as well. His Dramok secured himself while remaining intent on his controls.

Reassured as to his clanmate’s safety, Osopa returned his attention to his own

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