Tina (Clans of Europa) - Tracy St. John Page 0,22

was able to please them.

“That’s madness,” Osopa burst out. He covered the flash of anger quickly, returning to impassiveness.

They seemed as wretched as the situation they’d placed her in. It was a relief that thus far they didn’t seem to be horrible men, though what they’d done was awful.

At least, she’d been taught it was awful by people she trusted. Even if it hadn’t felt that way. Even though she’d felt at times that she meant more to the Kalquorians than merely a warm place to put their private parts.

She could be practical about the matter. If Tina had to be a sex slave, belonging to Clan Tukui might be better than others she could end up with. If she kept them happy with her services, convinced them of her worth, they’d hang on to her. She wouldn’t be passed on to others who might be hateful to her.

Right. Since when have you made anyone happy to the point of keeping you around? You’ve never been good enough for anyone.

Tina dismissed the voice in her head with effort. She put on a pleasant face for her masters. “Is anyone hungry? Is there a kitchen somewhere? I can cook for us.”

They appeared surprised, then relieved. Then downright cheered. At least Tukui and Yorso did. Osopa simply looked.

Tukui beamed at her. “Eating is an excellent idea. That meal pouch was the worst, wasn’t it? Don’t worry about cooking though. The dining hall on the ship takes care of meals. They do a decent job of it too.”

“The dining hall might be overwhelming for her right now,” Osopa said. “It’s second shift’s meal hour, so it’s crowded.”

“You and I will bring dinner back here then, my Nobek.” Yorso’s seemingly innocent proposal earned him a bald stare from Osopa. Yorso gazed back, with no sign of fear. In fact, his brow cocked high, as if daring his clanmate to refuse him.

Tukui clapped his hands together. “Perfect plan. Don’t bring her any grul or bywes to try. I’ve heard no Earther can stand those.”

Tina was taken aback. She couldn’t cook for them? She cast about for some other task to prove her usefulness. She could maintain their quarters’ cleanliness, but such a small space would require no more than fifteen minutes to tidy. If that. The place was already spotless.

She had to try. “I can clean, when it’s time for that. And mend tears in clothes. Whatever you need.”

Yorso chuckled. “You can relax. I’m the clan caregiver, so I do the chores ship’s services don’t.”

“Oh.” She floundered for some means to prove herself useful. Or was she simply to be ready for sex when they demanded it? “Are there jobs for Earther women, to earn money for the clan?”

“You wish to pursue a career? What work interests you?” Tukui asked.

“Um. I don’t know. I haven’t done much outside of household chores and a little gardening.”

“You could train for whatever appeals to you.”

“Maybe we look poor,” Yorso laughed. “Ship accommodations aren’t exactly luxurious, are they?”

“Is that it? Don’t worry, Tina, we make plenty for our needs, plus some left over for fun. You don’t have to work unless you want to.” Tukui waved off her supposed concerns.

“We’re also able to indulge you in some nice things,” Yorso added.

Osopa joined in. “As we gain rank, we’ll have even more to offer you. No need to worry about going without.”

“I already have a long list of gifts I plan to buy you.” Yorso wriggled, as if buying her presents was a treat.

Tina quelled rising exasperation. “There must be some task you need me to do?”

Tukui laughed, as if she’d told a joke. “Let us adore you. Your only responsibility is to tell us when you’re ready to be a mother.”

“When I’m ready?” She had a choice in the matter?

“Of course. Kalquor’s need is great, but the first few hundred children have been born, thanks to the Earther Mataras already on Kalquor.”

“And hundreds more on the way,” Yorso said.

“We’re young. We have plenty of time—and willingness—to give you all the children you wish. Just let us know.”

None of it made any sense to Tina. If she wasn’t to do chores, contribute to finances, or expected to bear them babies immediately, that left only sex. Was that all they wanted from her?

At a loss, she glanced at the beaming faces surrounding her—well, Tukui’s and Yorso’s, at any rate. Osopa merely projected pleasantness.

* * * *

Yorso could count on Osopa for many things, including not beating around the bush when it

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