A Time for Mercy (Jake Brigance #3) - John Grisham Page 0,77

to Ray?” Jake asked.

“I don’t know. I never went back home. When I wouldn’t give up the baby, my aunt kicked me out. You know something, Jake, gettin’ pregnant at fifteen was the worst mistake I’ve ever made. It changed my life, and not for the better. I love Drew, same as I love Kiera, but when a girl has a baby that young her whole future is shot to hell. Pardon my language. The girl probably won’t finish school. She probably won’t marry well. She probably won’t find a good job. She’ll probably do what I did—bounce from one bad man to another. That’s why Kiera is not havin’ this baby, you understand, Jake? If I have to rob a bank to get the money for an abortion, I’ll do it. She is not messin’ up her life. Hell, she didn’t even want to have sex. I did. Pardon my language.”

Charles shook his head and bit his lip but said nothing. It was obvious, though, that he would have plenty to say about an abortion.

Calmly, Jake said, “I understand. But this topic can be discussed at a later time. For now, I need to ask a question that has to be asked. She says Kofer is the father. Is there a chance there could be anyone else?”

Nothing fazed Josie, not even the delicate suggestion that her young daughter might have been sleeping around. She shook her head, no. “I asked her that. As you have probably noticed, she’s normal for her age, a lot more mature than her brother. I know from experience what kids can do, so I asked her if there had been anybody else. She got upset at the question, said absolutely not. Said Kofer was the first to ever touch her down there.”

“And this started around Christmas?”

“Yes. She said she was at the house by herself on a Saturday, right before Christmas.”

Charles said, “That would’ve been the twenty-third of December.”

“I was at work. Drew was over at a friend’s. Stu came home early and decided to go to her room. He said he wanted to do it. She said no, please no. He forced himself on her, but was careful not to leave marks. When it was over, he said he’d kill her and Drew too if she ever told. He even asked her if she enjoyed it. Can you imagine? This happened several more times, five or six altogether, she thinks, and she says she was waitin’ for the right time to tell me. She said she couldn’t keep on like that, said she even thought about suicide. This is all my fault, Jake. See what I’ve done to my kids? All my fault.” She was sobbing again.

Jake walked to the sink and poured out the cold coffee. He refilled his cup and walked to the door to look out. When her noises stopped, he returned to his seat and looked at her. “A few more questions?”

“Sure. I’ll tell you anything, Jake.”

“Do Drew and Kiera know they have different fathers?”

“No. I’ve never told them. I figured they’d realize it soon enough. They look nothin’ alike.”

“Did Kofer physically abuse Drew?”

“Yes. He slapped him around, same for Kiera, but never with his fists. He beat me several times, always when he was drunk. Sober, Stu was okay, you know? But he was a crazy drunk. Very intimidating, though, drunk or sober.”

“Will you be able to take the witness stand and tell the jury about the physical abuse?”

“I suppose. I guess I’ll have to, right?”

“Probably. Will Kiera?”

“I don’t know, Jake. Poor thing is a total wreck right now.”

On cue, Kiera appeared in the door and walked over to the table. Her eyes were puffy, her hair a mess. She wore baggy jeans and a sweat shirt, and Jake couldn’t help but look at her stomach. He saw nothing suspicious. She smiled at him but didn’t speak. She had a beautiful smile with perfect teeth, and Jake tried to imagine the horror of being a fourteen-year-old girl who had just learned that her body was carrying a child she wanted nothing to do with. Why does biology allow children to have children?

Charles was saying, “Back to the trial. Any idea when it will take place?”

“None whatsoever. It’s still very early in the process. I know for minors who are tried as adults the courts tend to move pretty fast. Maybe this summer, but I’m not sure.”

“The sooner the better,” Josie said. “I want this mess behind us.”


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