A Time for Mercy (Jake Brigance #3) - John Grisham Page 0,215

him out?” Jake shot back.

They took a deep breath as Noose and Dyer skimmed the petition. They were obviously caught off guard and not sure what they were reading. After a moment, Jake said to Noose, “I’m sorry if I offended you, Judge. I did not intend to.”

“Apology accepted. We need to be honest here and agree that allowing a capital murder defendant out of jail would upset a lot of people. Do you have a plan?”

“Yes. An appearance bond is used to ensure that a person accused of a crime will show up and face the charges. I promise you both that if and when you want Drew, his mother, or his sister to appear in any court, they will be there. You have my word. My plan is to get him out and take him to Oxford where Josie and Kiera are living, and get him in school in a couple of weeks. Kiera will start school after she has the baby. No one knows them over there, though I guess their address is now in the record. Both Drew and Kiera need tutoring and some counseling, and I’ll try to arrange things.”

“Is the mother working?” Noose asked.

“She has two part-time jobs and is looking for a third. I found them a small apartment and I’m helping with the rent. This will continue as long as I don’t go broke.”

“There has to be a secured bond, Jake. How can they afford it?”

Jake handed him a document and said, “This is the deed to my home. I’ll put it up as security. And I’m not afraid to do so because I know that Drew will appear in court.”

“Come on, Jake,” Dyer said, shaking his head.

“You can’t do that, Jake,” Noose said.

“There’s the deed, Judge. Mind you, the house is heavily mortgaged, like everything else I own, but I’m not worried.”

“What if they skip out again?” Dyer asked. “They have a history of living on the run.”

“Then I’ll track down the little asshole and haul him back to jail.” The humor hit where it was supposed to and they enjoyed a good laugh.

“What’s the value of the house?” Noose asked.

“I have one of those friendly, drive-by appraisals at three hundred thousand. And a mortgage to match it dollar-for-dollar.”

“We’re not using your house, Jake. What if I set the bond at fifty thousand dollars?”

“No sir. That means we, or I, will have to scrounge up five thousand cash for the bondsman. It’s a racket and we all know it. Right now I don’t have five thousand bucks to spare. Take the deed, Judge. The kid’ll be in court when he’s called.”

Noose tossed his copy of the deed on the table. “Lowell?”

“The State will oppose any bail for this defendant. It is capital murder.”

“Thanks for nothing,” Jake said.

Noose slapped a hand to his chin and begin scratching. “All right. The deed will suffice.”

Jake reached for more papers and handed them over. “I’ve already prepared an order for you to sign. I’ll talk to the clerk in just a moment. Then I’ll talk to Ozzie, if he’ll take my call, and arrange the transfer. I’ll pick up the kid first thing in the morning and take him to Oxford. Look, we were friends when this started and we’ll be friends when it’s over. I need your help in keeping this as quiet as possible. Josie owes money and has already been served with lawsuits. Kiera is having a child out of wedlock but no one in Oxford knows anything about it. I’d like her to start school as just another fourteen-year-old girl, not a young mother. And there might be some people who would like nothing more than to find Drew walking down the street. Secrecy is important here.”

“Understood,” Dyer said.

Noose waved him off as if he didn’t need the warnings.

* * *

LUCIEN WANTED A Friday afternoon drink on his porch and was pushy about the invitation. Jake didn’t want to hang around his office, and after he finally got Ozzie on the phone and worked out the details of the release, he drove over and parked behind the old Porsche. Lucien, of course, was sitting in his rocker, drink in hand, and Jake wondered how many he’d already knocked back.

Jake took a seat in another rocker and they chatted about the heat and humidity. Normally, Sallie would eventually materialize and ask about a beverage, then bring one as if she was doing him a favor.

Lucien said, “I invited you for

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