A Time for Mercy (Jake Brigance #3) - John Grisham Page 0,11

know that Kofer did not approve of their churchgoing. Without Stu’s knowledge, McGarry had counseled her twice and been stunned by her background. She’d had both kids out of wedlock as a teenager, served time for drug possession, and admitted to a lot of bad behavior, which she promised was all in the past. While she was locked up, her kids had been placed in foster care and an orphanage.

“Can you take the girl somewhere safe?” Ozzie asked.

“Sure. She can live with us for the time being.”

“Your family?”

“Yes. I have a wife and toddler and we’re expecting. We live in the parsonage next to the church. It’s small but we can find room.”

“Okay. You take her home, but she can’t leave the area. Our investigator will want to talk to her.”

“No problem. How much trouble is Drew in?”

“A ton. He won’t be getting out of jail anytime soon, I can promise you that. He’ll remain in the juvenile cell and I’m sure the court will appoint him a lawyer in a day or so. We’re not talkin’ to him until then. The case looks open and shut. He admitted to his sister that he shot Kofer. No other suspects. He’s in a lot of trouble, Reverend, a lot of trouble.”

“Okay, Sheriff. Thanks for your consideration.”

“Don’t mention it.”

“And I’m sorry for your loss. This is hard to believe.”

“It is. Let’s walk over to their cell and get the girl.”

McGarry followed Ozzie and Tatum through the crowded reception room and it grew quiet. The preacher got some stares as if he had already joined the opposing team. He was there to offer support for the killer’s family. In a strange place and even stranger situation, the preacher did not realize the significance of the harsh looks.

The jailer opened the cell door and they stepped inside. Kiera hesitated as if uncertain, then she stood and ran to McGarry. His was the first trusted face she had seen in hours. He squeezed her tight, rubbed her head, whispered that he was there to get her, and that her mother was going to be all right. She clutched him tightly as she sobbed. The embrace dragged on, and Ozzie shot a look at Moss Junior.

Let’s move along now.

In the darkness of the bottom bunk, Drew had all but disappeared under the blanket and had not moved a muscle since they entered. McGarry finally managed to gently push Kiera back a few inches. With his fingers he tried to wipe her tears, but they were rolling down her cheeks.

“I’m taking you to my house,” McGarry repeated, and she tried to smile. He looked at the bottom bunk for a glimpse of Drew but there wasn’t much to see. He looked at Ozzie and asked, “Can I say something to him?”

Ozzie said no with a firm shake of the head. “Let’s get outta here.”

McGarry took Kiera by the arm and led her out of the cell into the hallway. She did not try to speak to Drew, who was left alone in his dark world as the door closed. Ozzie led them through a side door and into the parking lot. As they were getting into McGarry’s car, Deputy Swayze appeared and whispered to Ozzie.

Ozzie listened, nodded, said “Okay.” He walked to McGarry’s window and said, “The hospital just called. Josie Gamble is awake and askin’ about her kids. I’m goin’ over and you’re welcome to come wait.”

* * *

AS OZZIE ROARED AWAY, again, he told himself that he just might spend the entire day running from one hotspot to another as the awful story unfolded. When he ignored a stop sign, Tatum asked, “You want me to drive?”

“I’m the high sheriff and this is important. Who’ll complain?”

“Not me. Look, when you were back there with the preacher, I got a call from Looney at the scene. Earl Kofer showed up, out of his mind, said he wanted to see his boy. Looney and Pirtle have the place secured but Earl was hell-bent on gettin’ inside. He had a coupla nephews with him, young bucks tryin’ to be tough, and they made a big scene in the front yard. About that time the state investigators showed up with a van from the crime lab, and they were able to convince Earl that the entire house was an active crime scene and it was against the law for him to go inside. So Earl parked his truck in the front yard and just sat there with

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