A Time to kill Page 0,86

Jake had long subscribed to all three, and was now glad he did so Carla would have plenty of material for her scrapbook. He spread the papers and began the task of plowing through five inches of print.

Nothing in the Jackson paper. He hoped Richard Flay had reported something. He should have spent more time with him outside the jail. Nothing from Memphis. Nothing from Tupelo. Jake was not surprised, just hopeful that somehow the story had been discovered. But it happened too late yesterday. Maybe Monday. He was tired of hiding; tired of feeling embarrassed. Until it was in the papers and read by the boys at the Coffee Shop, and the people at church, and the other lawyers, including Buckley and Sullivan and Lot-terhouse, until everybody knew it was his case again, he would stay quiet and out of view. How should he tell Sullivan? Carl Lee would call Marsharfsky, or the pimp, probably the pimp, who would then call Marsharfsky with the news. What kind of press release would Marsharfsky write for that? Then the great lawyer would call Walter Sullivan with the wonderful news. That should happen Monday morning, if not sooner. Word would spread quickly throughout the Sullivan firm, and the senior partners, junior partners, and little associates would all gather in the long, mahogany-laced conference room and curse Brigance and his low ethics and tactics. The associates would try to impress their bosses by spouting rules and code numbers of ethics Brigance probably violated. Jake hated them, every one of them. He would send Sullivan a short, curt letter with a copy to Lotterhouse. He wouldn't call or write Buckley. He would be in shock after he saw the paper. A letter to Judge Noose with a

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Jake had a thought, then hesitated, then dialed Lucien's number. It was a few minutes after seven. The nurse/maid/ bartender answered the phone.



"This is Jake. Is Lucien awake?"

"Just a moment." She rolled over and handed the phone to Lucien.


"Lucien, it's Jake."

"Yeah, whatta you want?"

"Good news. Carl Lee Hailey rehired me yesterday. The case is mine again."

"Which case?"

'The Hailey case!"

"Oh, the vigilante. He's yours?"

"As of yesterday. We've got work to do."

"When's the trial? July sometime?"


"That's pretty close. What's priority?"

"A psychiatrist. A cheap one who'll say anything."

"I know just the man," said Lucien.

"Good. Get busy. I'll call in a couple of days."

Carla awoke, at a decent hour and found her husband in the kitchen with newspapers strewn over and under the breakfast table. She made fresh coffee and, without a word, sat across the table. He smiled at her and continued reading.

"What time did you get up?" she asked.


"Why so early? It's Sunday."

"I couldn't sleep."

"Too excited?"

Jake lowered the paper. "As a matter of fact, I am excited. Very excited. It's too bad the excitement will not be shared."

"I'm sorry about last night."

"You don't have to apologize. I know how you feel. Your problem is that you only look at the negative, never the positive. You have no idea what this case can do for us."

"Jake, this case scares me. The phone calls, the threats, the burning cross. If the case means a million dollars, is it worth it if something happens?"

"Nothing will happen. We'll get some more threats and they'll stare at us at church and around town, but nothing serious."

"But you can't be sure."

"We went through this last night and I don't care to rehash it this morning. I do have an idea, though."

"I can't wait to hear it."

"You and Hanna fly to North Carolina and stay with your parents until after the trial. They'd love to have you, and we wouldn't worry about the Klan or whoever likes to burn crosses."7

"But the trial is six weeks away! You want us to stay in Wilmington for six weeks?"


"I love my parents, but that's ridiculous."

"You don't see enough of them, and they don't see enough of Hanna."

"And we don't see enough of you. I'm not leaving for six weeks."

"There's a ton of preparation. I'll eat and sleep this case until the trial is over. I'll work nights, weekends-"

"What else is new?"

"I'll ignore y'all and think of nothing but this case."

"We're used to that."

Jake smiled at her. "You're saying you can handle it?"

"I can handle you. It's those crazies out there that scare me."

"When the crazies get serious, I'll back off. I will run from this case if my family is in danger."

"You promise?"

"Of course I promise.

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