A Time to kill Page 0,48

jail, built with federal money under the mandate of a prisoners' rights lawsuit. The food was cooked by two huge black women who knew how to cook and write bad checks. They were eligible for early release, but Ozzie had not bothered to tell them. The food was served to forty prisoners, give or take a few, by the trusties. Thirteen of the prisoners belonged at Parchman, but it was full. So they waited, never knowing if the next day would be their day for the dreaded trip to the sprawling, enclosed delta farm where the food was not as good, the beds were not as soft, the air conditioning was nonexistent, the mosquitoes immense, plentiful, and vicious, and where toilets were scarce and clogged.

Carl Lee's cell was next to Cell Two, where the state prisoners waited. With two exceptions, they were black, and with no exceptions, they were violent. But they were all afraid of Carl Lee. He shared Cell One with two shoplifters who were not just scared, but downright terrified of their famous cellmate. Each evening he was escorted to Ozzie's office, where he and the sheriff ate dinner and watched the news. He was a celebrity, and he liked that almost as much as did his lawyer and the D.A. He wanted to explain things to the reporters, tell them about his daughter and why he should not be in jail, but his lawyer said no.

After Gwen and Lester left late Sunday afternoon, Oz-zie, Moss Junior, and Carl Lee sneaked out the rear of the jail and went to the hospital. It was Carl Lee's idea, and Ozzie saw no harm. Looney was alone in a private room when the three entered. Carl Lee took one look at the leg, then stared at Looney. They shook hands. With watery eyes and a breaking voice Carl Lee said he was sorry, that he had no intention of hurting anyone but the two boys, that he wished and prayed he could undo what he had done to Looney. Without hesitation, Looney accepted the apology.

Jake was waiting in Ozzie's office when they sneaked back into the jail. Ozzie and Moss Junior excused themselves, leaving the defendant with his lawyer.

"Where have y'all been?" Jake asked suspiciously.

"Went to the hospital to see Looney."

"You what!"

"Nothin' wrong, is it?"

"I wish you would check with me before you make any more visits."

"What's wrong with seein' Looney?"

"Looney will be the star witness for the State when they attempt to send you to the gas chamber. That's all. He ain't on our side, Carl Lee, and any talking you do with Looney should be with your attorney present. Understand?"

"Not really."

"I can't believe Ozzie would do that," Jake mumbled.

"It was my idea," Carl Lee admitted.

"Well, if you get any more ideas, please let me know about them. Okay?"


"You talked to Lester lately?"

"Yeah, him and Gwen came by today. Brought me goodies. Told me 'bout the banks."

Jake planned to play hardball about his fee; no way he could represent Carl Lee for nine hundred dollars. The case

would consume his practice for the next three monms ai least, and nine hundred would be less than minimum wage. It would not be fair to him or his family to work for nothing. Carl Lee would simply have to raise the money. There were plenty of relatives. Gwen had a big family. They would just have to sacrifice, maybe sell a few automobiles, maybe some land, but Jake would get his fee. If not, Carl Lee could find another lawyer.

"I'll give you the deed to my place," Carl Lee offered.

Jake melted. "I don't want your place, Carl Lee. I want cash. Sixty-five hundred dollars."

"Show me how, and I'll do it. You the lawyer, you figure out a way. I'm with you."

Jake was beat and he knew it. "I can't do it for nine hundred dollars, Carl Lee. I can't let this case bankrupt me. I'm a lawyer. I'm supposed to make money."

"Jake, I'll pay you the money. I promise. It may take a long time, but I'll pay you. Trust me."

Not if you're on death row, thought Jake. He changed the subject. "You know the grand jury meets tomorrow, and it'll take up your case."

"So I go to court?"

"Naw, it means you'll be indicted tomorrow. The courthouse will be full of people and reporters. Judge Noose will be here to open the May term of court. Buckley'll be running around chasing cameras and blowing smoke. It's a big day. Noose starts

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