A Time to kill Page 0,131

the jury list. She nodded and smiled at Lucien.

"Row Ark," Lucien said, "I have all the respect in the world for you. I view you as an equal. I believe in your right to equal pay for equal work. I believe in your right to choose whether to have a child or abort. I believe in all that crap. You are a woman and entitled to no special privileges because of your gender. You should be treated just like a man." Lucien reached in his pocket and pulled out a clip of cash. "And since you are a law clerk, genderless in my eyes, I think you should be the one to go buy a case of cold Coors."

"No, Lucien," Jake said.

"Shut up, Jake."

Ellen stood and stared at Lucien. "Sure, Lucien. But I'll pay for the beer."

She left the office.

Jake shook his head and fumed at Lucien. "This could be a long night."

Harry Rex changed his mind and poured a shot of whiskey into his coffee cup.

"Please don't get drunk," Jake begged. "We've got work to do."

"I work better when I'm drunk," said Lucien.

"Me too," said Harry Rex.

"This could be interesting," said Atcavage.

Jake laid his feet on his desk and puffed on a cigar. "Okay, the first thing I want to do is decide on a model juror."

"Black," said Lucien.

"Black as old Coaly's ass," said Harry Rex.

"I agree," said Jake. "But we won't get a chance. Buck-ley will save his peremptory challenges for the blacks. We know that. We've got to concentrate on white people."

"Women," said Lucien. "Always pick women for crimi-

nal trials. They have bigger hearts, bleeding hearts, and they're much more sympathetic. Always go for women."

"Naw," said Harry Rex. "Not in this case. Women don't understand things like taking a gun and blowing people away. You need fathers, young fathers who would want to do the same thing Hailey did. Daddies with little girls."

"Since when did you get to be such an expert on picking juries?" asked Lucien. "I thought you were a sleazy divorce lawyer."

"I am a sleazy divorce lawyer, but I know how to pick juries."

"And listen to them through the wall."

"Cheap shot."

Jake raised his arms. "Fellas, please. How about Victor Onzell? You know him, Stan?"

"Yeah, he banks with us. He's about forty, married, three or four kids. White. From somewhere up North. Runs the truck stop on the highway north of town. He's been here about five years."
Chapter Twenty-One
"I wouldn't take him," Lucien said. "If he's from up North, he doesn't think like we do. Probably in favor of gun control and all that crap. Yankees always scare me in criminal cases. I've always thought we should have a law in Mississippi that no certified yankee could sit on a jury down here regardless of how long he's lived here."

"Thank you so much," said Jake.

"I'd take him," said Harry Rex.


"He's got kids, probably a daughter. If he's from the North he's probably not as prejudiced. Sounds good to me."

"John Tate Aston."

"He's dead," said Lucien.


"I said he's dead. Been dead for three years."

"Why's he on the list?" asked Atcavage, the non-lawyer.

"They don't purge the voter registration list," explained Harry Rex, between drinks. "Some die and some move away, and it's impossible to keep the list up to date. They've issued a hundred and fifty summons, and you can expect a hundred to a hundred and twenty to show up. The rest have died or moved away."

"Caroline Baxter. Ozzie says she's black," Jake said flipping through his notes. "Works at the carburetor plant in Karaway."

"Take her," said Lucien.

"I wish," said Jake.

Ellen returned with the beer. She dropped it in Lucien's lap and -tore a sixteen-ounce can out of a six-pack. She popped the top and returned to the rolltop desk. Jake declined, but Atcavage decided he was thirsty. Jake remained the non-drinker.

"Jpe Kitt Shepherd."

"Sounds like a redneck," said Lucien.

"Why do you say that?" asked Harry Rex.

"The double first name," Lucien explained. "Most rednecks have double first names. Like Billy Ray, Johnny Ray, Bobby Lee, Harry Lee, Jesse Earl, Billy Wayne, Jerry Wayne, Eddie Mack. Even their women have double first names. Bobbie Sue, Betty Pearl, Mary Belle, Thelma Lou, Sally Faye."

"What about Harry Rex?" asked Harry Rex.

"Never heard of a woman named Harry Rex."

"I mean for a male redneck."

"I guess it'll do."

Jake interrupted. "Dell Perry said he used to own a bait shop down by the lake. I take it no one knows him."

"No, but I bet he's a redneck," said Lucien. "Because of .his name. I'd

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