Time After Time (Sweetbriar Cove #14) - Melody Grace Page 0,92

There was no reply, so she pushed open the door to the studio—

And stopped in her tracks.

The space had been transformed. Instead of a tired room with strip lighting and scuffed floors, she saw dozens of candles flickering around the edge of the dance floor, casting the whole place in a soft, romantic glow. There were vases of flowers, and petals scattered, and Johnny Cash on the record player, singing ‘Give My Love to Rose’.

Stella backed away, wondering if she’d interrupted someone’s big romantic moment.

And then Aidan stepped into view, wearing a suit and tie, and looking so handsome that her heart stopped in her chest.

“What…?” Stella gaped at him in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

Aidan smiled at her, that slow molasses grin that made her melt, every time.

“Well, right now I’m hoping you’ll dance with me.”

Stella stared back at him dumbly. Aidan was here? With her? She couldn’t believe this was happening, even as he took her hand and led her to the middle of the dance floor, in amongst the candles and roses.

“I don’t understand…” she muttered, reeling. “You mean, you did all of this? For me?”

“For you.” Aidan confirmed, like it was nothing.

It was overwhelming, just to be close to him again. To see the face that had been haunting her dreams, that familiar smile, and all the intensity in his eyes. He pulled her into his arms, and her brain stopped working entirely.

It felt so good to be holding him again.

So right.

Aidan’s hands rested on her back, drawing her closer, and her body swayed against him of its own accord. Like it knew exactly where she belonged.

“I thought you took the job in New York,” she said, still trying to process what was happening. She breathed him in: that familiar blend of aftershave and autumn; clutching his arms for balance. “I thought you left.”

“That was the plan,” Aidan said softly. “But it turns out, my plans never seem to last very long with you around.”

Stella tried to think straight – or even think at all. A hundred questions were whirling in her mind. “Are you saying…?” she began, but then Aidan drew away a little, and gazed down into her eyes. He cupped a hand to her cheek, touching her tenderly.

“I love you,” he said simply. “I want to build a life with you – and Matty. I know you’re afraid to trust me, and let me into your world, but I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”

Stella’s heart sang to hear the words, but still, she held back. “Is that really what you want?” she whispered, searching his face.

Aidan smiled. “Yes,” he vowed.

“But what about the job?” she asked, even as hope took flight in her chest. “I thought you wanted that life. The big deals, and the success.”

“I thought so too,” he told her, looking rueful. “It took me a long time to realize, but everything I was chasing, it was just to try and feel safe. To be secure, and ready for disaster, so I would never have to feel the way I did when my dad was sick. And then a disaster happened, my whole life imploded… And it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me.” Aidan took her hands. “I don’t need to try and protect anyone anymore. I just need to follow my heart now. And that means you. It’ll always mean you, Stella,” he said.

Stella stared back at him, speechless. She wanted so desperately to believe him. Everything she’d dreamed of hearing; everything she’d longed for him to say – it was all there, standing right in front of her.

She held him tighter. “I don’t know how to do this,” she admitted, a storm of emotions flooding her body. “There’s never been anyone… I’ve always had to rely on myself. And, I don’t want to screw this up…”

“You won’t.” Aidan said immediately. “Look, we’re going to make mistakes. Both of us. I’m not used to letting anyone in either, and believe me, it scares me half to death.” He looked at her tenderly. “I know it’s a chance, letting me in, after everything you’ve done to make a stable life for your family. But I also know what it feels like, to be always on the defensive, braced for something that might bring it all crashing down. It’s lonely, and cold, living that way. I don’t want to do it anymore. I want to be happy. I want take that chance. With you.”

His words brought

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