Time After Time (Sweetbriar Cove #14) - Melody Grace Page 0,83

tutorial online to steer her in the right direction. But this?

She didn’t know how to feel better about losing the man she loved. No matter how many times she told herself that she’d done the right thing, that he would have only let them down in the end, it didn’t feel that way alone.

Nothing about this misery felt right.

Stella headed for home, and opened the door to find a spotless hallway, a pile of clean laundry folded neatly on the stairs, and the scent of something garlicy wafting in the air.

“Matty?” she called, surprised.

“In here.”

She found him in the kitchen, which was also looking cleaner than it had done all year. Matty was drying dishes, wearing the apron she’d jokingly bought him for Christmas. There was silverware set out on the counter, soup bubbling in a pot on the stove, and even a salad waiting. “I made garlic bread,” Matty told her. “And tomato soup.”

“It smells great.” Stella collapsed onto a stool.

“And I did all my homework on the bus,” he added. “And fed Bucky and Steve. And did laundry. And I cleaned out the lint tray, too. I know you hate that.”

“Thank you, sweetie.” Stella gave him a tired smile. He’d been on his best behavior all week, trying to make up for his disappearing act. “Why don’t you come sit, and tell me about your day.”

He gave a shrug. “Nothing much happened. I got an A on my math paper.”

“That’s great!”

Matty didn’t look impressed. “It was easy,” he said. “And I signed up for chess club, but the faculty advisor didn’t show up, so I just spent the period in the library, instead.” He toyed with the label on his soda can.

“Well, that’s something,” Stella said, trying to stay upbeat. “What are you reading?”

But trying to get a smile out of him was like pulling teeth. They ate dinner together, as Matty answered all her questions in a downcast monotone, and Stella searched for anything good to say at all.

“What did you want to do for Thanksgiving this year?” she asked. “We could go to Aunt June’s big potluck dinner, or host something here, if you’d like. Hank will always take any excuse to make his kettle-fried turkey,” she added, smiling. “Maybe he won’t cause a small grease fire again this year!”

But Matty just shrugged again. “I don’t mind.”

“Well, just remember to get your pie wish list to me in time, you know how fast the store sells out of pumpkin filling this time of year. I had to barter a sewer jet-out for a couple of cans last time around,” she said, trying to crack a joke, but it fell flat.

Clearly, neither of them was in the mood to laugh right now.

Matty pushed his plate away. “Can I go watch TV?” he asked. “I’ll do the dishes later.”

“Sure.” Stella sighed, watching him go.

She began to clear the plates, trying to think ahead, to the holidays and the fun they could have around town, but a voice kept echoing in her mind with an uncomfortable question.

Are you keeping him here for his sake, or yours?

It was Aidan’s question.

Stella felt that rumbling of guilt again. Everything about this Hillcrest conversation set her on edge. She’d been trying to avoid it, to put the whole subject aside, but this wasn’t getting either of them anywhere.

Don’t make him feel like he has to compromise to keep you happy.

She moved to the living room, where Matty was sprawled on the rug, watching some sci-fi show. She watched him, loving him more than she could stand. “That brochure you wanted to show me, from Hillcrest,” she finally asked. “Do you still have it?”

Matty’s eyes lit up. “Yes!” He dashed to his room, and was back in record time, clutching not just the glossy catalog, but a whole folder of papers. Stella took it from him. There was all the material he’d put together for his application: school reports, personal essays, letters of recommendation…

“How did you get all these?” she asked, impressed despite all the sneaking around he must have done.

Matty looked sheepish. “I lied, and said you knew all about it.”

Stella tried to look stern. “You know that’s not how I’ve raised you.”

“I know.” Matty sat beside her on the couch. “I just thought, if I proved I could get in, then you had to hear me out.”

Stella’s heart twisted. “OK then, if this is what you really want, tell me about it.”

Matty launched into an enthusiastic sales pitch, explaining all about their

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