'Til There Was You - Jerry Cole Page 0,5

started to connect with his twelve-year-old son, or at least he was trying to. In doing so, he’d come to realize that he was a little behind the eight-ball when it came to life experience and where he needed to be at his age. Worse too was that he was a life coach for a living, and he was sick of feeling hypocritical whenever he spoke to his clients.

The obvious solve for this was to finally settle down. No more one-night stands. No more easy sex, or days spent swiping on Datematch or Tinder or wherever. He was going to go on real dates, meet with men he liked, and hopefully build a serious relationship. That was the plan anyway. One of the reasons he’s matched with Anthony in the first place was because he looked like a good type, the kind of guy that would be perfect for this.

The problem was... well, the grass was always greener. Online dating offered up a smorgasbord of options, never ending, right at the tip of one’s fingers. Finn came into this date hoping that he’d be entranced by what was in front of him, but in the end the unknown stud vibrating in his pocket become a much more desirable lure.

“Oh... I’m not trying to go into this sort of thing with labels,” Finn answered Anthony vaguely. “I like to meet someone, see if we get along and then go from there... you know?” He chuckled nervously, and then winked. God! He could not help himself.

“Me too!” Anthony reached his soft, pudgy hand across the table and rested it on Finn’s. “Whatever that might be,” he finished suggestively.

It was just as Anthony’s manicured hand graced the top of Finn’s, that he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket again. Again, it was a message from Datematch, and again it had to be Alexander. Most likely he was telling Finn he was free tonight, where he lived and what time he’d want to meet up.

“I might get another drink,” Finn indicated to his empty glass. He was on the vodka lime and sodas, of course, and even though they did table service here he figured that standing at the bar might be a good chance to check his phone.

“Oh! Okay, I’ll pop into the little boy’s room then. Meet you back here?” Anthony asked with a cheeky grin.

“Try and stop me,” Finn responded coolly.

Anthony giggled as he jumped from his chair and skipped to the bathroom. Finn indicated to the waitress, quickly ordered another drink to be brought to his table, and then got about checking his phone. The timing was too good and if he played his cards right... well, this night might be taking a turn for the better very soon.

That is a coincidence! We should really take advantage of it! I’m in Surry Hills. Where r u? And what time r u free? This message ended with a very suggestive emoji that had Finn feeling hot under the collar.

Surry Hills. That was where he was right now. If he played this right, he could finish this date up within the hour and then meet Alexander without missing a beat.

Finn glanced toward the toilets, saw that Anthony was still inside, and quickly sent a response – just a quick one, asking if he’d be free within the hour and explaining that he could meet in Surry Hills somewhere, Alexander’s choice. He then shoved his phone back in his pocket just as Anthony reappeared.

The sight of Anthony waddling across the bar and toward him had Finn feeling a combination of extreme guilt and disgust... both at himself, and Anthony. Truly, Finn didn’t want to be doing this. And he hated himself for it. He had come on this date to have a good time and hopefully meet someone he liked... but that didn’t happen.

And yes, Finn was very much aware that whatever was going to happen tonight with Alexander wasn’t going to be a long-term thing. Heck, he’d be surprised if they exchanged numbers. But just because Finn was looking for something serious, didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun along the way too, right?

“Sorry about that tinkle,” Anthony giggled as he sat back down. “I nearly didn’t make it.”

“Lucky you did,” Finn joked along. “It would have been super embarrassing to have to call for a mop and bucket – but I also love a good date story, so I kind of wished it did happen.”

“Savage!” Anthony howled in an over-the-top

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