'Til There Was You - Jerry Cole Page 0,3

out to be; no taller than five foot five. Second, he was pudgy. Maybe even fat? Those photos had to have been at least a year old, and in very good lighting. What the fuck was this guy thinking? And finally, and this was a big one, the guy didn’t watch movies!

“Oh wow!” Finn gasped as Anthony finished up his story about New York and Broadway and a host of other things that Finn just honestly wasn’t that in to. “That’s a wild story.”

“Isn’t it?!” Anthony smiled fiendishly as he sipped at his Espresso Martini – paid for by Finn. Anthony was here before Finn too, yet he had literally waited for Finn to arrive just so he could buy him a drink. What a move. “So. Tell me about your tattoos. I love tattoos,” Anthony then purred as he took another sip, all the while staring right into Finn’s eyes.

“Oh. Right.” Finn had forgotten about his tattoos. Or at least the ones that were showing. Ordinarily he loved telling people about them too... but he got the sense that Anthony wouldn’t appreciate it. “They’re nothing.” Finn dropped his right arm; there were four exposed on this arm alone.

“Come now.” Anthony reached around the table and lifted Finn’s arm back up. For a catfish, he sure had a lot of confidence. Finn had to give him that at least. “This one. What’s it from?” He indicated to a tattoo outline of a very specific kind of rapier on Finn’s forearm.

Finn had sixteen tattoos altogether. Most of them were film and television references, and most of them were on his right arm. The one that Anthony had indicated to specifically was the sword from Finn’s favorite film of all time, The Pirate Bride. Usually, it was something that Finn would love to talk about, but he knew that this might not be the right crowd.

“What are the chances that you’ve seen the movie, The Pirate Bride?” Finn tried hopefully... desperately.

“What do you think?” Anthony looked at Finn with such a sour expression, one would think he’d asked Anthony if he drank his own urine for breakfast. He then perked up, threw back the final sip of his Espresso Martini and groaned his delight. “I’m more into the higher arts, really. Theater. Poetry – Oh, I’m going to die when the Museum of Contemporary Art unveils their new Lee Lesson exhibit. Won’t you?”

“Oh...” Finn tried for interested, but landed on feigned. “Tell me about that. Lee Lesson did you say?”

“Mhhhmmm. He’s one of my favorites – I have got to tell you about...”

As Anthony prattled on, waving to the waitress and very rudely ordering another cocktail, Finn smiled and nodded, doing his best to seem interested. He really was! But then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was a vibration that he recognized all too well, and one that told Finn he’d probably be ending this date sooner rather than later.

It was Datematch, going off in his pocket like a bomb about to explode. The type of vibration suggested a new message, rather than a new match. At the moment there was one other guy that Finn had been speaking to, one that he had actually really hoped to have already heard back from. He’d wanted to set something up with him before Anthony came along. And now... well, it was going to take a lot of self-control for Finn to not check that message.

“So, Finn Connor. Tell me about yourself.” Anthony was finished with his Lee Lesson explanation and was now transitioning into small talk. “What do you do for a living? This all happened so fast we didn’t get a chance to cover basics.” Finn hated small talk.

“Say... can we hold that thought.” Finn grimaced and pushed his chair back as if to stand. “I’ve just got to go to the bathroom – but I’ll be quick. Don’t move a muscle,” he winked... and then groaned inwardly. What the fuck was he doing flirting? He couldn’t stop himself sometimes!

The moment that Finn was in that bathroom, he pulled his phone out, opened Datematch, went straight to that new message and groaned aloud. The message was even better than he had hoped.

Sorry! Only just read this! What r u doing tonight? I’ve literally got nothing on and could not be more bored. This was followed by a cheeky grin emoji.

Finn stared at that message and felt himself begin to sweat. Why couldn’t this guy have messaged him two

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