'Til There Was You - Jerry Cole Page 0,17

matter was that he had actual time organized with his son, and he could not be more thrilled. It was a strange feeling really, this excitement at seeing someone that wasn’t a potential future partner or lover. Finn rarely got excited over anything outside that realm, so it was a strange sensation that he was only too happy to ride.

Before he hung out with his son though, Finn had something else to do today, which was the other reason he was in such a good mood. Today, Finn had work. It might be an odd thing to hear too, that Finn loved his job, but he did.

Finn was a life coach. It was a job that he kind of just fell in to when he was in his late twenties, did casually for a little while, and then decided to make it an actual career. Now, at thirty-five years of age, Finn had been a professional life coach for seven years, had helped well over one hundred men and women, and couldn’t imagine himself doing anything else. He really did love it.

But what was a life coach exactly? Put simply, a life coach helped other people get their life back on track, and then in the place they wanted it to be. And although what this technically meant varied from client to client, the methodology was almost always the same. Almost always, the client was just some down on his luck fella who needed a little self-care, self-love and self-confidence. Finn would help them find this, while also pushing them toward certain goals. It was rewarding work... both on the wallet, and on the soul.

And yes, Finn was more than aware of the irony that he was perhaps the last person who should have been giving life advice. But that didn’t seem to matter. These people needed a guide, and for whatever reason, Finn was very good at being said guide.

Today was a little different to usual. Where usually Finn worked individually with clients, today he was hosting an hour-long free seminar designed specifically to attract more clients to his base. The problem with being a life coach was that if you were good at it, your clients eventually left. In a weird way, the less clients one had was actually a sign of success. But that didn’t mean it was preferable.

Finn threw these seminars about once a month. Usually there was anywhere between ten to thirty people, mostly young men, all there to hear what Finn had to say. He had a whole presentation prepared too of course, having given this seminar a dozen times before. By the end he’d expect to get at least three new clients... five if he were really feeling himself.

And Finn was feeling himself too. He wore a navy-blue suit with an open collar white shirt underneath, brown shoes and a matching brown belt, had his hair freshly cut and styled the way he liked, and even put on a touch of fake-tan to make it appear as if he got out more than he really did. His teeth were looking white, his blue eyes popped off the suit, and he was walking on air on account of his seeing his son later. Three clients? Five? Finn felt so good he thought he might even wrangle ten!

Like Finn said, today was going to be a good day.

The seminar was called, How to Finish First with Finn Connor, Life Specialist, and it was being held in the same place it always ways, Sweeny’s Rooftop Bar in the center of the city. The bar itself wasn’t anything special, just an old-school pub that had been around since the city was first founded. But it was the bar’s location that had Finn booking it on a monthly basis.

From the rooftop, one could see for miles in all directions; over the city and toward the ocean one way, and over the city and toward the Blue Mountains the other, or just right into a stack of skyscrapers that seemed to disappear among the clouds. It brought with it a sense of awe, which often had potential clients gaping.

As he always did, Finn made sure to arrive a few minutes late so he would be the last one to step through the door. He perched himself near the stairs so that he could see the bodies moving up to the rooftop. He counted over twenty at least, and grinned menacingly to himself. It was like shooting fish in a

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