Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows #6) - Harlow Layne Page 0,6

lips against the shell of my ear. “Until next time.”



Camilla’s hands ran up my overly heated body as she yelled over the music. “I’m all for getting drunk and fucking some random guy, but I don’t think Leo’s who you should let up your skirt.”

Turning around to face her, I moved in closer. We’d been at XS, one of the hottest clubs in Vegas for the last hour dancing. Well, Camilla and I had been dancing. The boys were standing at the bar drinking and watching us as we put on a show for them. We were on day two of being in Vegas and I was having the time of my life with my best friend.

“Why not? He’s hot as fuck,” I shouted back at her.

Why would I set my sights on someone else when the hottest guy in Vegas couldn’t keep his eyes off me?

“Won’t it be awkward?” After my face scrunched up in confusion, she clarified. “Afterward.”

“I don’t see why it would. We’re both consenting adults who want each other.”

“Still, it would be weird.”

Not to me, but I didn’t make it a habit to fuck random men after drinking too much. Maybe she was projecting.

“Just don’t do something you’ll regret,” she huffed and indicated to Jordan to bring her another drink.

Training my eyes on hers, I stopped dancing in the hope she’d listen. “Maybe you should slow down. You don’t want to have a hangover when you get married tomorrow.”

Camilla’s response was to roll her eyes at me and then make a strange motion of tapping her lips over to her man. A few seconds later, I found out what their signal meant when Jordan and Leo came over with a tray in hand, filled with shots, a saltshaker, and slices of limes.

“Who’s ready to celebrate?” Camilla shouted with her shot in hand and in the air.

“Me, baby,” Jordan licked the inside of his forearm and sprinkled salt over it, and then placed a lime slice in his mouth.

“Woo-hoo,” Camilla cheered before she licked the path of salt off Jordan’s arm, threw back her shot, and then lip locked with her fiancé while sucking on the lime.

“Are you ready for your turn?” Leo asked, shaking the salt he was holding in one hand while a mischievous smile grew on his lips.

If this got me closer to licking his schlong, I was all for it.

“Where can I lick you?” I purred.

“Anywhere you want, sweet thing. All you have to do is point and I’ll shake.”

I bit my bottom lip, trying to pick where I wanted to start. Instead of telling him where I wanted it, I picked up a slice of lime and stuck it in his mouth. He gave me a wicked grin around the fruit before I picked up my shot and the shaker from his hand.

Even with my heels, it was still hard to reach where I wanted to on Leo. Crooking my finger, I had him bend down until he was right where I wanted him. Sprinkling the salt on his sweaty neck, I ran my tongue along the salt. Throwing back the tequila, I winced as it hit the back of my throat, but didn’t let it stop me from sucking on the lime that he held between his teeth.

When I pulled back, the surrounding crowd cheered. Jordan was slapping Leo on the back. Camilla was the only one who didn’t seem to be happy. That was until she pulled Jordan to her and all but had sex with him on the dance floor.

“Damn, I was not expecting that,” Leo smirked. “But game on.” He bent down until he was eye level with my boobs. “I’ve been wanting to get up close and personal with these girls since the pool.” Taking the salt from me, he sprinkled both breasts before he dipped down and ran the flat of his tongue over both breasts. Standing up, he took two shot glasses and down them both before he plopped a piece of lime in my mouth and dove, capturing my lips in a searing kiss.

Coming up for air, Leo grinned down at me. “I think we should move this over to a booth so I can lay you out and sample the goods. What do you think?” One eyebrow rose in challenge.

Grabbing the salt, I started to move away. Looking over my shoulder, I stated. “Only if I can lick you anywhere I want.”

“You’re on,” he mouthed. Picking up the tray of shots, Leo followed

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