Tiger Mom (Killer Moms #4) - Eve Langlais Page 0,62

had the power and wealth to do it.

Mae needed to get a message out.

She sat in the other chair and waited. Someone would arrive any second now with a drink. She could then ask for a tablet or phone to entertain herself. The worst that could happen was that they’d say no.

“I want to go outside. Somewhere other than this garden.” Lin’s petulance proved contagious.

Usually an epic sulker, Mae found herself in an odd position. “We could ask Father.”

“Ask Father for what?” The sudden query had Lin squeaking as her father stepped out of the house, choosing a door that opened up behind them.

Mae craned and saw him approaching, alone. What ill luck. Or was it?

“I was just saying to Lin that we are getting behind on our schoolwork.”

“Studies on vacation?” Father asked.

“Reading, mostly. We’re trying to get through six classics each and do a comparison book report. Which I guess we won’t finish since we don’t have our tablets.”

“Tablets are toys,” Father scoffed.

“Mom didn’t want us having laptops yet.” A lie. They’d had some in their old house but had traveled only with their tablets.

“Your mother was obviously holding you back. A child’s education today must take into account the virtual aspect of it. Technology is the future.”

“So, we can have a laptop?”

“You’ll each get a pair, but I expect to see results. You will present the book report when completed. In a timely manner.”

“Yes, Father.” Mae ducked her head and hid a smile. That had been much easier than expected.

“With that done…” Father tucked his hands behind his back and switched to a Chinese dialect. “How fare my daughters today?”

She replied. “We are well, thank you. And yourself?”

“Busy. I’ve been preoccupied with a special project that I believe is about to come to fruition.”

“I am pleased by your success,” Mae said, knowing how to handle their father. But Lin wasn’t in the mood to stroke his ego.

“I want to talk to Mom,” Lin exclaimed in English.

Rather than say no, their father smiled. “You’ll speak to her once she and I come to an understanding. Which I believe is very close.”

“You’ve talked to her?” Mae exclaimed. What she didn’t ask was if their mom was mad.

“I’ve been speaking with her at length. As a matter of fact, she’s in this house.” He casually relayed that bombshell.

Forget acting. Mae blurted, “Where?”

“Not a place you’re allowed to visit yet. Right now, she’s rethinking her choices.”

A crease of worry marred Lin’s brow. “You’re not going to hurt Mom, are you?”

Hurt? Mae’s eyes widened. Surely, he wouldn’t. Then again, look at his actions thus far.

He managed to appear offended. “Do you question my honor?”

“No.” Lin worried her lower lip.

“When you address me, it is to be as Father or sir. We are not peasants.”

“Yes, Father. Sir. Sorry.”

“Stand up when you apologize. Really, how many times must you be told?”

Mae rose along with her sister. It had never occurred to her that he’d require them to stand when he entered a room. Just how crazy was he? The difference between him and Ted proved astonishing. Ted never played these kinds of mean games with them.

Lin’s head ducked, and Mae might have thought her cowed if she’d not seen her clenched fists. “My apologies, sir.” The inflection completely ruined it, but Father accepted it.

“Perhaps you require some quiet and alone time like your mother. To reflect.”

Wait, was he talking about separating them? Mae had to nip that idea in the bud. How? “I’m sure you and Mom have lots to talk about. We just miss her. A lot. But we know you have our best interests at heart. Father.” She remembered to add that at the end.

He appeared somewhat mollified. His frown eased, and yet she shivered at the look in her father’s eyes. “Perhaps it is time to reunite you. To show her what her actions cost.”

“I’m sure she’s very sorry about what she did.”

“She will be.”

“Don’t you dare hurt her,” Lin exploded, and before Mae could stop her, her sister had thrown herself at their father, pummeling him with little fists.

He glanced down and then shoved her, sent Lin flying, hard enough that she tripped over the edge of the pool and fell in.

“Lin!” Mae shrieked.

Her sister swam to the surface, wide-eyed and clearly scared. But it was the terror when two of the armed guards came outside and told Lin to go with them that was the worst.

Father’s orders. Lin needed to be punished. Which, apparently, consisted of placing her in solitary.

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