Tiger Mom (Killer Moms #4) - Eve Langlais Page 0,24

the neighborhood, watching the rearview a little too much. Waiting for signs of flashing lights that would mean a change in plans.

No one chased her, and she made it home with no problem, pulling right into the garage and sealing it shut. The car was compromised, meaning they’d leave in the minivan. The moment she rolled out of her vehicle, she worked on the plates. They’d need a clean getaway, which meant adopting a new name and address. To muddle things further, a touch of a button inside the wheel well ionized the frame, and the color shifted, going from white to blue. It wasn’t an evenly applied blue, and there were hints of white still in places where it failed to switch, but at night, no one would notice the oddness of it. They just needed it long enough to get to their next ride.

Then she’d set it on fire.

Joanna held the door open to the kitchen. “You’re home sooner than expected. I didn’t think they’d get a crew out there so quick.”

“I had to leave before they arrived. Cops were coming.”

Joanna arched a brow. “And you ran away?”

“I don’t have time to be arrested.”

“For your information, they weren’t coming for you. Had you popped into their frequency, or called me, I could have told you. They were answering a domestic.”

The reminder had her glancing at her watch. She’d never even thought to use the monitoring police band feature. “Because, of course, you were monitoring the area. Because you don’t think I can handle myself.” Just like Chen, Joanna sometimes underestimated her. Despite knowing her irritation was with herself, she snapped at her friend.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist. Of course, I was watching and listening. I started the moment you walked out that door. You told me to guard those girls, and that means being aware of every possible danger, including their mother going to a known bad neighborhood. What if they’d carjacked you? Or decided you were an easy mark for human trafficking?”

“I went armed.”

“A good thing, but I’ll remind you that this wouldn’t have been an issue if you’d stayed home in the first place.”

“You were right. Okay?” Portia hugged her. “We need to make preparations to leave. If the cleanup crew doesn’t get there soon, then it might not be long before someone discovers Chen and his buddy in that car.”

“Even if they do find the bodies, no one will immediately make a connection between his death and you.”

“I don’t want to take any chances.”

A beep had Joanna holding up her phone. “No need to panic. The car and the bodies have been removed.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” One worry resolved.

“And Tanya is monitoring online for any social media videos or images being posted.” The KM hacker would wipe anything she came across.

“Did the crew see Ted?”

“Where did you leave him?”

“He was on the ground until I chased Chunk. Then he was gone.” Maybe he’d recovered from the sedative and staggered back to the dojo.

“And she tells me this now?” Joanna growled as she typed into her phone.

Beep. “No sign of your boyfriend.”

Portia winced. The lie seemed stupid now.

Beep. “Hmm.” Joanna glanced at the screen then moved for the coffee pot. Indicating that she expected a long night ahead.

“What’s hmm supposed to mean?”


“Joanna!” Portia growled her name.

“Don’t get pissy. The cleanup crew might have set fire to the martial arts place.”

“What? That’s insane. Why would they burn it down?”

“Mother’s orders.”

“Mother knows?”

Joanna rolled her eyes. “She knows everything.”

“How? I haven’t called her.” Portia’s gaze narrowed. “You told her I went to see Ted. You knew about him.”

“Don’t get that look with me. You know what my job is.”

“Your job isn’t to make my life more difficult.”

“No, but it is to make sure you and the girls are safe. The moment your cover was compromised, Marie called me. She wanted me ready to move with the twins if needed.”

Just one of the many backup plans in case Portia was ever found. “I’m so tired of living on the edge of a sword.”

“One day, we’ll find a way to get to the bastard.”

Doubtful. It seemed as if the evilest in the world were often the most untouchable. Impossible to get near without in-depth vetting. Poisoning impossible unless willing to take the chance that others would die, too because the most paranoid didn’t always eat from the plate set in front of them.

The truly evil ones had deals with the devil because they had the best damned luck when it

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