Tiger Mom (Killer Moms #4) - Eve Langlais Page 0,14

because of her girls? She faltered in her moves, and he managed to land a blow. His expression immediately turned contrite.

“Sorry about that.”

“My fault.” She smiled. “My turn to hit.” She threw them fast and hard, forcing him to move quickly to keep up.

The concentration required stopped the questions, but the fact that he’d even asked at all was a problem. If he’d heard of her going off to study in Asia, did that mean he’d also heard about her death? Mother had done her best to scrub the internet clean about it without it being too obvious to Ronin in case he watched.

What lie could she tell that Ted would believe? None, because she couldn’t take any chances, not with her daughters. She’d have to take care of Ted. Later tonight.

First, she had to take her girls home, and for once, they were chattering. “That reminded me of yoga but with hitting,” Mae remarked.

“It’s more like dancing,” was Lin’s argument.

They fell in step when they turned their attention on Portia as they got into the car.

“We saw you sparring with Ted.” The man insisted everyone use his first name, joking that he was too young to be anyone’s master.

“I needed a partner.”

“I think he likes you,” Lin declared.

Portia cleared her throat. “We’re old friends.”

“Was he your boyfriend?” Mae said with exaggeration on the boy part.

“No.” Portia hoped neither noticed the blush in her cheeks.

“How come you’ve never had a boyfriend?” Mae asked.

“Because no one asked me out?” Said more as a query than a statement.

“You’re pretty.”

“And smart.”

“Where is this coming from?” Her girls had never shown an interest in her lack of dating life before.

“Aren’t you lonely?” Lin asked.

“I have you to keep me happy.”

Mae frowned. “Are you still sad our father died?” The story she’d fed them when they’d become old enough to ask why they didn’t have a daddy.

“Yes. Very sad.” She lied because it was easier than admitting that she didn’t trust men. Couldn’t. Not with her past. Not with her present.

“I think you should date.” Lin just wouldn’t let it go.

“I’m busy.”

“Don’t you get tired of only working?”

Yes. The truth almost spilled from her lips. “I’m fine.”

They went silent for a moment, and she thought they’d finally lost interest until Lin declared, “You need a man.”

The car swerved. “I do not.”

“She’s right, Mother. What will you do when we leave for university? You’ll be alone.” Mae added her two cents.

“That’s a long time away.”

“Not really. Teacher says if we keep going at our current rate of education, we’ll graduate by the time we’re fourteen.”

Four years? But they were still just children. “Maybe I’ll follow you both to university. Get my masters in something.”

“Mother, really. We’ll have a hard enough time fitting in without you hovering,” Mae said with a disdainful toss of her head.

Lin kept on with the argument. “You need someone. The book I’m reading says humans need touch to thrive.”

“Guess you’ll have to give me more hugs,” Portia said, peeking at them in the backseat through her rearview mirror.

“Or you could get a boyfriend,” Mae bluntly stated.

“Or a girlfriend, if you prefer,” was Lin’s addition.

They were determined to drive her insane. “I’m flattered you’re both interested in my personal life. However, it is mine. Meaning the choice to date or not isn’t up to you. Where is this coming from?” she asked. “Why the sudden interest in my relationship status?”

It was Mae who had a reply. “A girl in our class, her mom got a new boyfriend, and they went on a cruise.”

“We can go on a cruise if you want. It doesn’t require me dating.”

“Don’t you want to date? Or is Mae right? Do you miss our father too much?” Lin narrowed in on the cause, just not the right reason.

“Your father was special,” Portia hedged. Ronin had ruined her for other men. Not only did she fear trusting, she was also afraid of letting her guard down and inviting trouble. But she couldn’t tell the girls she’d been lying about their father their entire lives. Even if it was for their own good. How could she explain that he was a dangerous man who would smother and hurt them with his version of love?

Luckily, they dropped the subject by the time they reached the house. Dinner was an Alfredo sauce over grilled vegetables with garlic bread. The girls chose to watch a movie rather than do more elective homework. Although, their choice of movie—The Godfather—did disturb Portia, given their earlier discussion.

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