Tiernan A Dark Irish Mafia Romance - Jane Henry Page 0,76

say, leaning over to kiss her cheek while the gates open for us to enter. “You already have.”

Chapter 19


I’ve never had a home that felt nice to return to. Back when I was younger, I didn’t like where I lived. My mum was unhappy, and it showed. My father never measured up. He’d come home from working all day to sit on the sofa and drink.

But now… God, but it feels good to be back here already. I wonder where Fiona is, what she’s up to. Lachlan’s coming home to her tonight. I wonder where Maeve is. Is she fluffing the pillows in the dining room, praising the staff for their excellent dinner, or reading a story to one of the grans? I wonder who’s home. Tully and Keenan are still at St. Albert’s, but I can count dozens of lights on in so many rooms. My heart is full.

“’Tis a lovely home,” I say warmly. “Isn’t it?”

“Oh, aye,” he says, sharing the sentiment. “A little of heaven on Earth.”

He parks the car in the garage, and comes around to my side. He takes my hand, and leads me in in silence. We walk under the light of the moon. I breathe in the fragrant lilacs and exhale before we get to the set of stairs that bring us home.

“Kiss me, Tiernan.”

He gives me a teasing look. “Say please.”

I smile. “Please?”

He releases my hand, bends down, and frames my face between his hands. “You look lovely tonight,” he says. “I want to remember this night for as long as I live.”

I swallow the lump in my throat, unable to speak. The first night I came here, I was a woman possessed. Angry at anyone and everything. I hated them all, but most of all myself. And it hasn’t been long enough for me to be healed. I’ve started the journey, though. I only have to continue to put one foot after another.

We enter the mansion doors and there’s hustle and bustle all about us. One of the staff is dusting in the main entryway, another is on a ladder changing the lightbulbs, and Maeve is off near the entrance to do the hall that leads to the dining room. She rushes to us, her eyes wide, and reaches for my hands.

“Oh, Aisling. Thank God you two are alright.” She leans in and kisses first one cheek, then the other. “I knew Keenan had gone in to help, but I knew things weren’t looking good, and Fiona was a wreck.”

She releases me to give Tiernan a big hug, and I see Fiona standing shyly in the doorway. I walk to her, and she comes my way.

“Didn’t want to intrude…” she begins, but I wrap her up in a big hug.

“Don’t ever think that,” I say. “Ever.”

She pulls back and smiles at me, taking in every detail. “Always told you you’d look brilliant with black hair.”

I roll my eyes and run my hand through my hair. “I’m going back to my natural roots as soon as I possibly can.”

She smacks my hand. “Don’t you even think of it. Honest to God, woman, you’re impossible.”

“Don’t I know it,” Tiernan says with a chuckle. He’s got a smear of lipstick on his cheek from where Maeve kissed him, and his eyes are twinkling at me.

“Jesus, Ais,” Fiona says in a low whisper. “Haven’t seen my brother that bloody relaxed in…” She pauses, thinks it over, then says with a chuckle, “Okay, so ever.”

I grin. “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment, then?”

“Oh, aye,” she says with a chuckle. “I’d say so.” She pauses and her brow knits together. “Is Lachlan back yet?”

“He’s on his way.” I squeeze her hand in silence. The two of us have so much to discuss I barely know where to begin.

“I hope it’s good to be home, Ais,” Fiona says. She looks to me, her eyes gone serious. “You are planning on staying, aren’t you? Now that things are better?”

Oh, I’m planning on staying.

“Of course she is,” Tiernan says, coming toward us with his hands in his pockets, the look on his face deadly serious. “Did you think I’d allow anything else?”

Fiona rolls her eyes. “Of course not. She’s still my friend, so you’d better watch what you share with me, Tier.”

His eyes dance and he gives a mischievous shrug. “No interest in telling you anything private,” he says. “But I’ll have an announcement soon. For now, we need to get to our room. There’s much that needs to

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