Tic-Tac-Mistletoe - N.R. Walker Page 0,48

minutes, Josh and I discussed how I could make it work with the roof and gutters and framing it up with the fall of land. Chutney sniffed around looking for the best place to pee while we talked about building.

“Are you a builder by trade?” I asked him.

“Nah, just always something we did at my folks’ place. We were always building something. How about you?”

I shook my head. “No, I own a hardware store. But same as you, we were always building something too. I’m fixing up my place right now. Done most of it, just the kitchen to go, really. But I’m sold on the idea of this.” I pointed upward to the alfresco roof.

“Next project,” he replied. “I gotta say, Liv has been so excited for Hamish to get here.”

“He was really disappointed not to be here sooner,” I said.

He smiled at Chutney. “Suppose she’s gonna want a dog next.”

I laughed. “Well, good luck with that.” Chutney did her thing, then trotted over to me, so we went back inside, and I could finally get a proper look at their home.

There was a lovely Christmas tree in the corner, decorated with white and gold, and there were matching decorations on just about every surface. Tiny trees, garlands, wreaths, angels, pinecones, and the smell was amazing. Hamish and Liv were in the living room, sitting on the sofa, and she was holding his hand. It was so easy to see they were brother and sister. Both had pale skin, dark hair, and big brown eyes. Both of them laughed at something, though they had teary eyes.

I put Chutney down and she ran straight over to Hamish and jumped up on his lap, and he acted like it was an everyday occurrence in his life.

“Look at her shoes!” Liv said. “They’re the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”

Hamish looked at me. “Should I take her shoes off inside?”

I nodded and Liv looked from me to Hamish and put her hands to her face. “Argh! You’re all just so cute!”

I laughed because they were so alike. I’d have thought maybe it was just Hamish who had that flair and spoke with a flourish, but apparently it was a family trait.”

“Here,” Josh said, handing me a cup of coffee, then he gave one to Hamish. He came back a second later and handed one to Liv and we sat on the sofas.

“The drive here is so pretty,” Hamish said. “Everything is like a postcard, and Hartbridge is the closest thing to a Hallmark-Christmas-movie town ever to exist.”

“This whole area is just gorgeous,” Liv said. “But tell me, Hamish, how did you take the wrong turn-off?”

Hamish rolled his eyes and waved his hand. “‘Um, it’s this long, boring story involving a yacht and a famous soccer player and, like, a ton of mushrooms.’”

Liv tilted her head, totally confused, and I snorted out a laugh.

Hamish then waved his hand at me. “See? Ren gets my Schitt’s Creek quotes.” He gave me a smile before he turned back to his sister. “The real story is way more boring and involves snow, the day from hell, and an Australian guy who had never seen snow, let alone driven in it.”

“I should have met you at the airport,” she said.

“Well, you would have been waiting at the wrong airport because I was diverted to the wrong state, remember?”

She pouted. “Stupid snowstorm.”

“Would anyone like a Christmas cookie?” I asked, standing up. I grabbed the container off the counter, took off the lid, and offered them.

“You two made these?” Liv asked. “That is the sweetest thing!”

“Well, Ren made the cookies; I made a mess.” Hamish gave me a smile before he took a peanut butter cookie. “Lord knows I shouldn’t have this. I’ve eaten so many of these cookies, Santa’s giving me diabetes for Christmas.”

“We can worry about diets after the holidays,” Liv said. “Speaking of food. I was hoping we could do a Christmas Eve dinner tonight. Josh and I will need to go see his parents’ tomorrow night. They have a big Christmas dinner. You’re both invited to come, if you want, but just for us here, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind if we do that tonight instead of tomorrow?”

Hamish shrugged. “I’m just happy to be here. It makes no difference to me what day we do what.”

“Uh,” I hedged. “That suits me. Thanks for the invite, but I’ll have to leave tomorrow afternoon. I need to open the store early the day after, and I want

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