Tic-Tac-Mistletoe - N.R. Walker Page 0,32

you and Mr Rescue Man?”

“Well, he offered for me to stay here another night. And we spent the last few hours putting up all his Christmas decorations while trashy Christmas movies play on the TV, and we’re waiting to hear back about my car, but we’re going to cook cookies this afternoon.”

She squeed.

I squeed.


“I know!”

“But it’s been a bit emotional for him so I hugged him, and holy hell, my girl, the man can hug. Then he was just about to kiss me when you called and ruined everything.”

Her eyes went wide. “Why did you answer me for?”

My hand went to my chest. “Don’t blame me. I’m the victim here.”

She laughed and put her hand to her cheek. Now her eyes glinted and her whole face looked like an anime cartoon. “You look happy.”

“I am. I mean, apart from not being at your house with you. And I have no idea when or if I’ll see him again after tomorrow, but I’m glad I met him. I told him I’ll come visit as often as I can and we can do all the gay things together. He doesn’t really get to fly his rainbow flag here by himself too much.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “You’ll do all the gay things together?”

I snorted. “Who knows? Maybe.” I sighed. “I like him. He’s such a nice guy. He’s genuine. Do you know how hard it is to find that in a guy?”

She raised her hand. “I’m a heterosexual woman. So yes, I do know how hard that is.”

“How’s Josh, by the way?” I asked. “Is he still dreamy?”

She swooned. “Yes.”

“God. I can’t believe I’m going to actually meet him. You’ve warned him about me, right?”

Liv laughed. “I have. But he loves me, so he’ll love you too.”

“He’s a sucker for a disaster, huh?”

She laughed, only a little offended. “I was going to say cute and funny, slightly neurotic Australians.”

I sighed happily. “That too.”

“So, your car?”

“Is fixable, apparently. Haven’t heard if it’s done yet though. Had to wait for the rental place to approve the paperwork.”

She made a face. “Well, I still haven’t heard if Beartrap Road is open, so I’m assuming it’s not. It’ll be dark soon.”

“Oh no,” I whispered, putting my hand to my mouth. “I might have to stay here one more night with Mr Sexy Hallmark Movie guy.”

She laughed. “Promise you’ll be here tomorrow.”

“I promise. Ren said he’d get me to your place tomorrow, even if he had to drive me himself.”

“Is he seeing his fam for Christmas?”

I shook my head. “No. His dad passed away this year.”

“Oh.” She frowned. “That’s so sad.”

“Yeah, it’s his first year without him. He has no other family. Well, not that he’s mentioned.”

“Tell him he can spend Christmas with us!”

“Oh, I don’t know . . . he probably wouldn’t be up for that.”

“Or it could be everything he needs and he’s too polite to ask.” She did that eyebrow thing again. “I have enough food for everyone, so tell him he’s more than welcome.”

“He has Chutney. He can’t leave her by herself.”

“Bring her. We love dogs!”

I gave her a smile. “I’ll ask. But I don’t know if he’ll say yes.”

She sighed. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I’m so happy that you’re finally here. I’ve been counting down the days.”

“Me too.”

“I’ll let you get back to your Mr Sexy Hallmark man,” she said with a grin. “Before he thinks you’re being rude or avoiding him or something.”

“Okay, I’ll text you in the morning when I know what’s going on. Can’t wait to hug you!”

“Same!” She waved and blew me a kiss. “Love you, Hamish.”

“Love you too, Liv.”

The call ended and I smiled as I jumped up and went back out to find Ren. He was in his kitchen, in front of his pantry, and had an old container in his hand. “Sorry about that,” I said.

“That’s fine. Everything okay?”

“Oh yeah, Liv asked if we could FaceTime and I said yes. She just has the worst timing.”

He put the container on the counter. “Uh, speaking of timing,” he said nervously. “Robert called about your car.”

“Oh, what did he say?”

“The rental company called back. Apparently, there’s a clause that if the vehicle has been involved in any kind of accident, they need to have it assessed by their people and organise a replacement vehicle. They can’t get you a replacement car before Christmas Day.”

“I thought Robert could fix it,” I said, my heart sinking. “I have to get to my sister’s tomorrow. Tomorrow is Christmas

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