Thunder (Hell's Handlers MC #10) - Lilly Atlas Page 0,4

of pure displeasure. Sometimes, she wished he’d just tell her to fuck off if he disagreed with her. Though he was more willing to argue with her than anyone else, above all, they’d had obedience drilled into them with punishing efficiency. She’d been the only one who never thoroughly learned the lesson.

And she’d paid for it countless times throughout her twenty-one years.

But instead of fighting, Eric unstrapped the baby carrier and carefully helped transfer Rae to her chest.

“Shh, shh, shh,” she crooned as she gently rocked back and forth. She’d handle this, pain and all. Women all around the world survived worse atrocities every day. “I-it’s okay, baby girl. I’ve got y-you.”

She closed her eyes and imagined life two years down the road. The younger kids happy and playing without fear. Her brother meeting a girl and dating like a normal teenage boy. Herself, working in a job she loved, surrounded by her happy siblings. None of them living under the feared thumb of the community. The visual strengthened her, overriding the worst of the pain. She could do this.

She had to.

The baby blinked up at her with sleepy eyes so full of innocence and trust before fading back out. Thankfully, this little girl had been a stellar sleeper since day one.

“You ready for an adventure, baby girl?” she whispered. Adventures had become her thing over the years. She’d discovered early on the easiest way to survive long days of physical training or work was to change the context in her mind. She’d drift off to faraway castles, the high seas, or a steamy jungle. Soon, it’d become a game she played with the younger children. A way of easing the stress of agonizing drills and grueling hours. What child didn’t love an exciting adventure?

“Are you ready?” Eric asked.

She met her brother’s gaze. This was it—the culmination of five years of plotting, saving, wishing, and waiting.

Was she ready? The answer to that question didn’t matter. Escape was happening so, ready or not, she had to find her strength and make it happen. Five lives beside her own depended on her ability to keep them fed, sheltered, warm, safe, and off her father’s radar.

“Let’s do it,” she said as she ignored the discomfort and gave Eric a smile that hopefully came across as confident.

After taking one step toward the door, fear rose sharp and swift, nearly swallowing her whole. Life was about to go from very hard to nearly impossible. At least for a while. Hopefully only for a little while. No matter how challenging day to day life was about to become, they’d be free. And that was all that mattered.

She inhaled, letting that terror motivate her to remain fierce and drive her determination. If they were discovered, they’d make her wish she was dead.

Or they might kill her outright this time.

She couldn’t let that happen.

She had to continue forward with a single-minded focus, remain vigilant at all times, and protect her siblings with every ounce of fire in her blood.

“Take one final look around, Eric. We’re never coming back.” Not to mention that would be the last time she’d ever call him Eric. The moment they stepped foot off the compound, they’d all assume new identities.

“Fuck that,” he said with a snort.

As she hobbled out the door with as much hustle as she could muster, she heard Eric whisper, “There’s not a damn thing here I want to see.”

She couldn’t agree more.


THUNDER’S CHEST ROSE and fell as he worked his final pose, which happened to be bent over, jiggling his ass in the air while a gaggle of sexually unsatisfied rich housewives screamed and chucked their husband’s hard-earned dollar bills at him.

That’s right, he was dancing at a bachelorette party for a ten-year vow renewal.

What the fuck would wealthy people come up with next?

Not that he was complaining, because these women were playing fast and loose when it came to shoving those crisp green bills down his shimmery black briefs. Hell, he’d even caught sight of more than one twenty getting stuffed in there. At this rate, he’d be upgrading his Harley in no time.

After suffering through a few moments of ear-piercing shrieks, the noise died down, and the money fluttered to the floor. Thunder straightened and faced the group of women trying to recapture their long-lost sorority days.

He wiped the back of his hand across his dripping forehead. Fuck, he needed some water. And a towel. Working his ass and grinding all over bored Stepford wives was Copyright 2016 - 2024