Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,9

can talk to one of the volunteers, too,” he suggested.

I nodded. “Way ahead of you on that one. One of the volunteers said she’d talk to us when we’re ready.”

Pat nodded and wandered away to get some more footage.

Point’s eyes were still on me, and I had no idea what to do or say.

“Really reporting on the big stories, huh?” he drawled.

I rolled my eyes and tamped down the urge to throw the cat at him. “I’m pretty sure Petra and your friends think the overcrowding of the animal shelter is a big story.” A lame reply, but he wasn’t wrong about this assignment.

“If it’s got four legs and fur, those girls will be all over it. Or, if booze is involved, they’ll be all over it, too.”

I nodded and stroked Hulk’s back. “Sound like my kind of people. At least, with the whole booze thing.”

Point smirked. “Then, you’d definitely fit into their Book Club.”

“I’ve been invited, remember? Not too sure you would be okay with me taking them up on that offer, though.” I wasn’t about to butt my way into Point’s world any more than I already had. I was sure Kimber had just invited me before so she could get the scoop on Point and I.

Point shrugged. “The prez’s ol’ lady invited you. Not my place to tell you not to come. I’d have Quinn on my ass for pissing her off.”

“You actually caring if you piss someone off,” I laughed. “I didn’t think I would ever see the day.” Point was very much laidback and did whatever he wanted without anyone’s permission.

He unfolded his arms and shrugged. “Lot of things have changed since you walked out on me.”

“Is that how this conversation is going to go?” I didn’t feel like hashing out everything in the middle of an animal shelter. I didn’t need him to throw the fact I walked out on him in my face all of the time. I know what I did, I didn’t need to be reminded of it.

“Figure I need to take advantage of the time I have with you.” He smirked. “Three years, I don’t see you, and then suddenly, you’re in my face two times. For all I know, I may see you again soon, or it might be another three years.”

I rolled my eyes. “You act like I’m purposely trying to see you.” Hulk fidgeted in my arms. “And for the record, today I was here before you showed up.”

When I stepped foot in the cat shelter, I never would have thought that I would see Point here. This was the last place I ever thought he would show up.

“You’re in my town, Deedra,” he drawled.

“You own the town of Whitmore?” I laughed. “And for the record, I’ve been here for over a year. Your bike club didn’t even exist back then.”

“What do you know about the Kings of Vengeance?” he asked.

“I did my research before coming to the clubhouse. Not a lot of information out there, but I know it was a little fishy how the Kings came to be after another local MC happened to blow up.” I had connected the dots and figured the Kings had kicked the Devil’s Rebels to the curb.

Point chuckled. “Funny how that happened. Must just be a coincidence.”

Hulk crawled up my shoulder and cuddled my neck. “That must be what it is.”

I wasn’t lying when I said there wasn’t much information on the Kings. It wasn’t like there were news stories about the club or anything. I had to comb through a lot of information to piece together what I had.

“So, you gonna keep popping up where I am?” he asked.

“You’re such an ass, Point. I remember you being sort of cocky, but I always thought you kept your ego in check.” I placed a hand under Hulk’s butt and gave him a gentle squeeze. I may not have been a cat person when I walked into the shelter, but Hulk proved to be a good kitty.

“Like I said, things change.” He glanced to the side. “People change.”

Evidently. “Well, I better get back to work.”

“You’re not wondering why we keep getting thrown together, Dee? Why in this big town, you and I seem to keep running into each other?”

I stepped toward him and held out Hulk. “It’s just coincidences, Point.”

He grabbed the cat with his large hands, and Hulk seemed even smaller. “Or maybe it’s a sign that you and I need to iron out whatever shit there is between Copyright 2016 - 2024