Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,5

of the new cat shelter.”

I dropped my chin to my chest and sighed.

Pumpkins, potholes, and pussy.

Shoot me now.


Chapter Five

Save the kitties…


“Take two.”

I growled and held out my hand.

Kimber shook the pills into my palm and frowned. “A three-day bender makes for a four-day hangover, huh?” she smirked.

I popped the pills into my mouth and chased them with my beer.

She frowned. “The nurse side of me thinks you should maybe try to drink some water.”

The pills washed down my throat, and I slammed the empty beer can on the counter. “I’ll keep that in mind, doc.”

She screwed back on the lid to the bottle. “Or maybe you could actually stop to talk about why you’re trying to kill your liver. That might be helpful, and you won’t need a kidney transplant.”

“A few days of drinking isn’t going to kill my kidneys.” If anything it would be the two years prior to me joining the Kings of Vengeance that would kill my kidneys. I basically ate my cereal with beer instead of milk. I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair. “Besides, I have two of them. What are the odds that they’ll both shit out on me at the same time?”

I was no doctor or nurse like Kimber, but I had to think that my odds were pretty good.

“You’re an idiot,” Kimber laughed. “People like you are the reason why Fancy and I will always have a job.”

I crushed the empty beer can in my hand. “Just doing my part.”

“Oh, my God!” Petra shouted from the table by the kitchen. “We need to go!”

“Do I even want to know?” Rhino drawled.

Petra flipped her phone around and shoved it in Rhino’s face. “We have to save the kitties!”

“Does she mean actual kitties, or is that code for down below kitties?” I whispered.

Kimber curled her lip and scowled. “What in the hell is wrong with you? Do you really think women walk around calling their vaginas kitties?”

“I like to refer to mine as my she shed.” Fancy smirked. She reached around Kimber to grab a glass. “Dyno likes to park his lawnmower in there.”

Kimber rolled her eyes. “This is why Point thinks we call our vaginas kitties because you just called Dyno’s dick a lawnmower.” Kimber pointed her finger at Fancy. “Which, by the way, is wrong on so many levels.”

“Cats!” Petra hollered. “We need to go save the kitty cats.”

“That could sti—” I snapped my mouth shut.

Kimber turned her finger on me. “She is in no way talking about her vagina right now.” Kimber closed her eyes and sighed. “It’s like you have never met Petra before. You really think she’s going to sit around talking about her vagina or saying we need to go save a bunch of vaginas?” she asked me.

I shrugged. “I mean, you’ve said vagina about ten times in twenty seconds. I don’t really put anything past you gaggle of girls.”

Petra stood and held her phone in her hand. “My favorite cat rescue is overcrowded, and they are doing a huge drive to get people to either foster or adopt. I’m going.” She pointed and swung her arm around the room. “We’re all going.”

“You are not getting another cat, Pet,” Rhino grumbled.

Petra waved off Rhino. “Whatever you say.”

“I think you just got brushed off, brother,” Zephyr laughed.

Rhino reached for Petra’s hand, but she sidestepped away from him. “I’m going to the shelter, Rhino. I need to save a kitty.”

“Where the hell are you going to put another cat?” he demanded.

Petra sprawled out her arms. “Um, well, this clubhouse is pretty damn huge, and it could use some kitties roaming around.”

“She said kitties,” Kimber laughed. “As in more than one.”

Quinn stepped into the clubhouse and closed the door behind him. “What’s gonna roam around the clubhouse?” he drawled.

“Pussy,” I blurted. “Petra is going to save the pussies and bring them back here to live.” I might have been slightly buzzed. Just a little.

“Uh, come again?” Quinn questioned.

“Oh, my God,” Kimber sputtered. “You’re an idiot,” she hissed at me.

I moved to the fridge to grab another beer, pulled one out, but froze before I popped the top.

Quinn stared at me and shook his head. “You’re done. Put the can down and figure your shit out. Stop trying to drown it with beer and whisky.”

I growled and curled my lip. “Last I checked, I was a grown man who made his own decisions.”

Quinn pointed to the front door. “Step out that door, and you can make your own decisions. Stay Copyright 2016 - 2024