Thrill Seeker (Kings of Vengeance MC Book 5) - Winter Travers Page 0,30

in her ears. “No,” she shouted. “I have not yet recovered from seeing Queenie and Sledge getting it on in the laundry room. I don’t want to hear about them doing the nasty anymore.”

“We were not getting it on,” Queenie insisted.

“You were topless!” Fancy shouted. “And there ain’t no damn door on the laundry room. We had no idea our little Queenie likes to be watched.”

“Oh, my God.” Queenie grabbed her glass and downed the whole thing. “I’m gonna need this refilled real quick if this is how the night is going to go.”

Fancy grabbed one of the bottles and filled her cup to the brim. “That’s probably like three glasses of wine, so you should be tipsy and ready for some hanky panky in the laundry room in no time.”

Queenie groaned and pointed at Sledge. “This is all your damn fault.”

“Oh, Lord. These two are going at it now.”

I whipped my head around. Point stood near the door along with Rhino and two other guys I didn’t know.

“You bring pizza with you?” Kimber called. “You can only come in if you have pizza or some type of food that I like.”

“That’s pretty specific,” Rhino laughed.

“Whoa, new chick,” one of the guys I didn’t know called.

Point elbowed him in the gut. “Keep your eyes to yourself, fucker.”

The guy clutched his stomach. “What the hell?” he wheezed. “I didn’t even get a decent glimpse at her, and you’ve already claimed her? She looks just like that chick on the TV.”

Rhino slapped the guy in the back of the head. “That is the chick from the TV, and it’s Point’s wife, Core.”

“Whoa.” Core’s jaw dropped, and his eyes about bugged out of his head. “You get to bang the hot news chick.”

Oh, Jesus. Point had said the girls were entertaining, but I had to say the guys were just as much of a show.

I raised my hand and gave Core a wave. “I’m Deedra.”

Core raised his hand. “I’m Core.”

I smiled. “I figured that out. It’s nice to meet you.” See, I could be nice and not intimidating.

Point pointed to the other guy I didn’t know. “That’s Zephyr.”

Zephyr raised his hand. “Sup? You were here before, right?”

“Uh, yeah. For Queenie and Gunner.” Maybe Point hadn’t really told anyone we were married.

“How do you not remember her?” Kimber asked. “I about flipped my shit when I told you guys.”

So maybe Point hadn’t told anyone, but Kimber had. Though maybe Core had missed that announcement.

“Pizza is coming,” Fancy muttered.

“You order?” Sledge asked.

Fancy smiled wide. “Yeah. The delivery boy’s name is Dyno. It should be here in half an hour.”

“I want you to call him a delivery boy to his face,” Kimber laughed.

“You gonna go get your girl or just stare at her?” Zephyr teased. “Stare at her like she’s the last va—”

Point pointed to Zephyr. “Finish that sentence, and I punch you in the nuts.”

Zephyr held up his hands. “Excuse me. I was just saying you seem—”

“Shut up, brother,” Rhino advised. He walked toward us and pulled Petra from her chair. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

Core and Zephyr moved to the couch and called for Sledge to bring them a beer.

“What the fuck do I look like?” Sledge complained as he balanced Gunner in his arms and grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge.

Point stayed rooted where he was.

Fancy nudged me with her elbow. “Girl, I think you’re gonna have to go get your man.”

I sheepishly stood and shuffled over to Point. “Uh, hey.”

A slow smile spread over his lips. Without a word, he stepped back, bent over, and planted his shoulder in my stomach. He lifted me up and started walking. Where? I didn’t know because all I had ever seen of the clubhouse was the room we were in right now.

“Point!” I squealed.

“Yeah, boy,” Kimber called. “Take your girl, Point!”

“Wife! Take your wife,” Queenie corrected her.

“Now we’re talking,” one of the guys laughed as we walked by. I knew the girls voices, but I had no clue about the guys. They all sort of sounded the same except for Point.

The shouts faded as we moved down what I assumed was the hallway to somewhere. “Uh, where are you going?” I asked.

All I could see were Point’s legs and his butt. It was a nice butt, though.

“Away so I can be alone with you.”

Oh, well. I guess I was okay with that. “Is this alone time to talk or uh, do other things.”

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