Threshold of Annihilation (The Firebird Chronicles #3) - T.A. White Page 0,7

thawed. "He will protect her as his own, and if by some chance he doesn't, I can make alternate arrangements."

Kira closed her eyes in relief. Graydon didn't make promises he couldn't keep. If he said her niece would be protected, Kira trusted he meant it.

"Thank you."

Their little group was somber and silent as they made their way to the belly of the ship and the landing ramp.

Elena slowed as they approached, finally coming to a stop at the top of the ramp. Her gaze dropped to her feet, appearing deep in thought.

Kira was the first to notice, stopping a foot past her niece. Graydon continued a few steps down the ramp before looking back with a questioning expression. In the lead, Harlow had already reached the bottom of the ramp.


Elena nodded to herself as if listening to some silent voice.

Oh no. Kira knew that particular combination of determination, stubbornness, and guilt. Usually, such an expression boded ill for Kira.

"Sorry, Auntie. I've decided I don't want to stay here. I've come up with a new plan. A better plan." Elena licked her lips, her gaze darting to Harlow and Graydon. She reached for the smart watch on her wrist, pressing the side.

"Wait!" Kira shouted.

Too late as the ship came alive around them.

"Intruders detected. Defensive actions will be taken. You have t-minus zero seconds before you're singing with the fishes," a recording of Jin's cheery voice came over the speakers.

“Fuck,” Kira cursed, grabbing a handhold and gripping it tightly.

The deck heaved violently as the ship's thrusters roared. The nose of the ship shot into the air. The deck bucked, much like a horse who suddenly found itself with an unwanted rider.

Only these riders didn't have a saddle.

The violent movement spilled Harlow to the ground where he landed in a crouch.

Graydon leapt toward Kira, concentration and determination twisting his expression. His fingertips missed her by mere inches. The ship bucked again, expelling him.

The landing ramp began to raise.

Jin squawked. "Don't you dare leave me here."

He powered toward the opening of the ship. The ramp slammed closed seconds before he reached it.

"Captain's override!" Kira shouted

"So sorry, but not sorry. That command isn't recognized."

Kira cursed.

"Kira! Open the ramp! I'm still outside," Jin shouted through their comms.

"I'd love to, but I'm currently locked out of the ship."

"I thought you reset the command codes."

"I did."

"Apparently not, or this wouldn’t be happening!”

Kira gritted her teeth as she reached for a second handhold, muscling her way further along the wall. "I suggest you figure out a way inside so you can fix it then."

"How am I supposed to do that?" Jin wailed. "I designed the Wanderer's defenses. It's not like I left any holes for nefarious sorts to slip through."

Not Kira's problem. Right now, she had her hands full avoiding being flung around the ship like an oversized rag doll.

"You're smart; I'm sure you'll figure it out," Kira snapped, watching as Elena moved step by slow step toward the bridge, the distinctive clink of her boots locking and unlocking as the ship shimmied and shook under her.

Mag boots. Of course. Why didn't Kira think of that?

Oh yes, because she didn't have any inkling her ship would do an impression of a demonic possession.

So good to know her niece had this all planned out ahead of time. Kira would be impressed if she wasn't so furious.

"Glad to see you managed to stay on board," Elena said cheerfully. She swayed and took two steps sideways as the ship flipped onto its side.

Kira took advantage of the brief respite, using brute force and luck to make her way to the next handhold, one closer to the hallway—and the bridge.

Elena steadied herself before resuming her slow, steady progress.

"It'd be nice if you turned the defenses off," Kira snarled.

"Sorry, Auntie. No can do. At least not right now." Elena reached the first T in the hallway. "You're welcome to join me on the bridge—or you can find your way off. Up to you."

Kira's response was stolen as the ship abruptly flopped onto its back, tearing the hand hold out of Kira's grip. She careened toward the ship's ceiling, flipping so her feet landed first.

The ship's thrusters fired as it prepared for its next maneuver. Jin had always called this series “a flea on a dog's back”. Kira was beginning to see why.

Anticipating its next move, Kira leapt sideways, landing on the ship's starboard wall and running along it before leaping again when the ship started its next maneuver. Lucky for her, she guessed right.

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