Threshold of Annihilation (The Firebird Chronicles #3) - T.A. White Page 0,101

snarl. “It's funny. I used to think death permanent. Now, every time I turn around, someone else is coming back to life."

"You don't understand," Kira said.

Not that it was his fault. She'd kept many things to herself—even back then.

"I understand enough." His lip curled.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Jin said in disgust.

Raider snapped, pointing at Jin. "You be quiet, Tin Can."

"If only you could make me, Meatsack."

Kira inserted herself between the two of them. "Enough."

Raider sent a mocking look at Jin. "The Phoenix to the rescue once again."

"We'll see who needs rescuing, Meatsack," Jin snarled, edging around her.

Kira had known something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Raider wasn't the type to let bygones be bygones.

In this, he and Kira were alike. When someone trespassed against them, they hit back twice as hard.

Odin being alive when Raider knew Kira had orders to kill him long ago was simply the flame that lit the bonfire.

Electricity shot from Jin to Raider, narrowly avoiding the human.

Raider sucked in an audible breath, rage filling his face.

"Crap," Kira muttered.

She needed to stop the coming confrontation. Otherwise, they’d destroy the private box. It had happened before.

If Kira saw Raider as a brother, the same could be said for Jin. Like brothers, the two had no trouble throwing down when the occasion called for it.

Kira stepped forward, hoping to halt the fight before it could go any further. She got a fist to the face for her trouble.

Pain lanced through her cheekbone as she staggered.

Raider and Jin froze.

Seconds later, Raider blanched as Jin rapidly backed away, putting as much distance between him and Kira as possible.

Kira ignored both of them, raising a hand to prob the spot where Raider's blow had landed.

"Kira," Raider started, holding up his hands.

Kira's smile would have been called sweet if not for the fact it appeared a little deranged and a lot bloodthirsty.

"You hit me," she said.

"It was an accident."

"This will be too," she informed him.

Raider's eyes widened as he cursed. He turned to run, but not fast enough.

Kira yanked him toward her. He shoved his hand against her face, trying to hold her at arm’s length.

Well then. If that's how he wanted to play it.

Kira twisted, sinking her teeth into his wrist.

"What did I say about the biting?" Raider screamed, grabbing a fistful of hair.

Kira's eyes smarted from the pinpricks of pain, but she refused to let go.

"I'll yank it out. I swear I will," Raider threatened.

Kira released him.

He'd do it. It wouldn't even be the first time.

Raider's shoulders relaxed.

He didn't think he was getting off that easy, did he?

Kira kicked him in the shin, feeling smug satisfaction at his answering howl.

"Damn it, Kira!"

"You're a million years too young to get away with punching me in the face," Kira shot back.

Raider knew what that meant. No mercy would be forthcoming. Not until she had her retribution.

Perhaps that's why he didn't waste time running and instead charged. He wrapped her in a bear hug, trapping her limbs.

"That's fine," he snapped. "I have a score to settle too."

Kira's grin was vicious. "Good. It seems we're on the same page."

She'd tried to be respectful, knowing her actions had hurt him.

But in the end, a knockdown, drag-out fight had always been the way they settled things.

"No regrets," she told him.

"Same to you."

With that said, Kira reared, slamming her head against his chin.

A muttered oath was her reward.

Jin circled them as they wrestled back and forth, stumbling into the wall.

Raider had the advantage, his arms pinning hers.

Not to be outdone, Kira planted a foot on the wall and shoved, sending them staggering back several steps.

"Yes, Kira! Knock the asshole out of that idiot," Jin crowed.

"Shut up, Tin Can. This is your fault," Raider shouted.

Around them, Kira was vaguely aware of Wren telling them to stop, but neither Kira nor Raider were in the mood to listen. This had been a long time coming.

Kira twisted in Raider's grip, stomping on his foot. Raider grunted.


But then, had she really expected anything else?

This was Raider after all. The only person who was nearly as muleheaded as Kira. They were a matched pair, each too ornery to get out of their own way sometimes.

Only—Kira had once considered Raider a brother. Like all good sisters, she knew every one of her brother's weaknesses.

She reached back, pinching his side then twisting.

Raider cursed again, his hold loosening.

Kira slithered free.

The next minutes passed in a blur. An honorable fight it was not, consisting mostly of open-handed slaps, pinching, Copyright 2016 - 2024