Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1) - Kendare Blake Page 0,60

they leave the meadow, she discreetly drops her knife. It is easy enough to pretend to notice it missing a moment later, and go back for it alone.

Mirabella does not hear anything before Arsinoe steps around the tree trunk. Not so much as a snapping twig.


“You’re not very good at hiding,” Arsinoe says. “Those lovely black skirts of yours are sticking out all over.”

Mirabella stiffens at the tone of Arsinoe’s voice. Her eyes flicker to Arsinoe’s hand, curled around the handle of a knife. Everyone told her that her sisters were weak. That killing them would be easy. But it does not feel easy. So far, Arsinoe is much better at this game.

“What are you doing here?” Arsinoe asks.

“I do not know,” says Mirabella. She sounds like a fool. When she left Rolanth, she never imagined she would meet one of her sisters and hear her voice. But here they are. Together, as if they were led.

“You have grown tall,” Mirabella says.

Arsinoe snorts. “Tall.”

“Do you remember me?”

“I know who you are.”

“That is not what I asked,” says Mirabella. It is hard to believe how much she wants to reach out to Arsinoe. She had not realized until this moment how much she has missed her.

She takes a half step forward. Arsinoe steps back and tightens her grip on the knife

“That is not why I am here,” Mirabella says.

“I don’t care why you’re here.”

“You do not remember, then,” says Mirabella. “That is all right. I remember enough for us both. And I will tell you, if you will listen.”

“Listen to what?” Arsinoe’s eyes dart suspiciously to the shadows of the trees. The naturalists have taught her to be afraid. They have taught her to hate, just as the temple has tried to teach Mirabella. But it has all been lies.

Mirabella holds out her hand. She does not know what she will do if Arsinoe takes it, but she has to try.

Hoofbeats rumble. Arsinoe steps back as riders burst through the trees. They are not alone anymore. Armed priestesses close in on them, circling and circling.

“What is this?” Arsinoe growls. “An ambush?” She glances at the knife in her hand as if considering taking Mirabella hostage. “Jules!” she shouts instead. “Jules!”

It is only moments before the girl and the cougar bound into the clearing, with Joseph close behind. But they are cut off. The priestesses use their mounts to push them into a tight group.

“No, Arsinoe,” Mirabella starts.

“Queen Mirabella!”

Mirabella scowls. It is Rho, seated astride a tall white horse. She holds the reins in one hand. In the other, she carries one of the long, serrated knives of the temple.

“Are you injured?”

“No. I am fine! I am safe! Stop this!”

Rho charges the horse in between the sisters, so violently that Arsinoe falls back onto the leaves.

“Rho, stop!”

“No,” Rho says. She drags Mirabella up into the saddle in front of her as though she weighs nothing. “It is too soon for this,” she says loudly. “Not even you can break the rules. Save your killing for after the Quickening!”

On the ground, Arsinoe glares up at her. Mirabella shakes her head, but it is no good. Rho signals to the priestesses, and they gallop off together, veering north and leaving Arsinoe and Joseph far behind.

“The High Priestess is not pleased with you, my queen,” Rho says into Mirabella’s ear. “You should not have run away.”


Luca meets Sara Westwood on the bank of Starfall Lake. It is far inland from Rolanth, a large, deep lake with more width than length. It is where the Blue Heron River originates and where they brought Mirabella to meet Luca for the first time. It is a long way to come for a pot of tea and a cooling lunch, but at least there are fewer ears pressed against doors to hear what they are saying.

Sara greets the High Priestess and bows. More gray has come into her hair this year, and there are faint lines in the corners of her eyes. By the end of the Ascension, Sara may become an old woman.

“Has there been no word?” she asks.

“Nothing yet,” says Luca. “But Rho will find her.”

Sara stares out across the steely blue lake. “Our Mira,” she says sadly. “I did not know she was unhappy. After she first came to us, I never expected she would begin to hide her emotions. What if she is hurt?”

“She is not hurt. The Goddess will protect her.”

“But what will we do?” Sara asks. “I do not know how much Copyright 2016 - 2024