Thorn Queen Page 0,88

sweat off his brow. His devil-may-care expression aside, it was clear he was tired. I grabbed hold of his arm and led him back toward the town. "Come on, get something to drink before you get dehydrated. And start explaining."

"I heard there was some difficulty with your copper, and I decided to come help, seeing as it benefits me too. My sword is in need of replacement, you know-and that's not a metaphor. The metaphorical one is just fine. Besides, you don't honestly think I can let you take all the glory as being the most helpful monarch around, do you? You're making us all look bad."

"Dorian," I groaned. Because there was really no other response.

If people had fallen all over me when I arrived, the two of us together created quite the stir. Again, I was reminded of some celebrity tabloid couple. We returned to the council hall, at which point I used my queenly authority to get some privacy and some refreshment. It was a bit startling to see how quickly my orders were obeyed.

Once we were alone and Dorian was sprawled in a chair, I truly got a good look at just how exhausted he was. "How long have you been out there doing this?" I asked, pouring him water from a pitcher.

"Most of the day. And I'll take the wine, my dear." He nodded toward a nearby decanter.

"It'll dehydrate you further," I scolded, handing him the cup of water. He scowled but drank it down eagerly. I watched him, still perplexed. "But why? You don't need the copper that badly."

"Perhaps not. But you do." He finished the water, and I gave him a refill. "Thank you. Waited on by a queen-truly the dream of many a man."

I pulled over a chair of my own. "You didn't need to do it," I protested. "You've practically killed yourself."

"Hardly. Give me and my stamina some credit."

"I still don't get it."

He finished this cup too and then gave me a look that was both exasperated and amused. "Eugenie, why do you keep having such a hard time believing I'd do things for you?"

There was earnestness in his voice, and I realized we kept having this conversation over and over. Out of everyone in my life lately, it seemed like he was the only reliable one. "I don't know why. I'm sorry. I just run into few people who give something for nothing. Mining isn't going to get me into your bed."

"Well," he said cheerfully, "nobody knows that for sure, but even if not? It doesn't matter. You need it. It makes you happy. End of story."

I looked away. Dorian truly was my friend. "Thank you. It does make me happy. One less thing in a sea of problems today."

He handed me the cup. "Get me wine this time, and tell me what your problems are. You can even sit on my lap."

"No thanks," I said, but I did get him the wine.

"I saw you and the kitsune pass earlier, actually. Is that part of your problem?" He answered his own question. "Yes, yes. Of course it is."

I was a bit surprised to hear myself pouring my thoughts out to him again. I didn't even have the excuse of being drunk this time. "I saw the baby today."


"Very. And it just made me feel...I don't know. Kiyo thinks it's jealousy, but it's more than that. I just can't explain it."

"Kind of a questioning of your own life and the choices-or lack thereof-before you?"

I looked up, startled, and met his eyes. They were unusually serious. "Yes, exactly." Dorian remained silent, and I found myself rambling more. "He's having a hard time getting all of it lately-the magic, the girls, the demons...he doesn't like me spending time over here. Neither does Roland." I couldn't help a smile. "Hell, neither do I. But...I have to. I have to put things right around here."

"I know you do," he said, face serious.

"Dorian...what would happen if I got a crown?"

This made him a smile a little. "It would make you look even more beautiful."

"No, I'm serious. Kiyo says it's a bad idea. That it would make all this real."

"It's already about as real as it's going to get, my dear."

"That's what I told him! But I don't get the big deal. You never wear a crown."

"Not often. But I have one, and I was crowned and all my people swore fealty to me. That's what a crown would lead to. You want one for ornamentation? Sure, that's Copyright 2016 - 2024