Thorn Queen Page 0,78

state of the art, I should be able to get in.

It wasn't, and judging from the lack of beeping, there was no alarm system within either. The closest she had was her herd of cats. They swarmed around me in a furry, slithering mass, less hostile than hungry. I wondered who fed them when she was gone. Uneasily, I decided to make this search quick, lest an unsuspecting pet sitter come trolling around.

Searching wasn't easy since the place was still cluttered with books, incense, and candles. My task was made more difficult by the fact that I had no clue what I was looking for. I lifted and moved things as best I could, hoping the place wouldn't look ransacked. In spite of the mess, I was again struck by how nice the apartment was, how it had been expensively restored. The floors were true hardwoods-no laminate here-and all the molding and crownwork was elaborate and beautiful. This place couldn't be cheap, and it seemed a shame she'd let her pack-rat habits get the best of it. Not that I was one to talk.

I concluded my search with a quick scan of the bedroom. It was less messy and hence had less to browse. Her duvet was a patchwork of brightly colored silks, and the closet was filled with scarves and gauzy dresses. A jewelry box on her dresser displayed a stunning collection of necklaces and rings, and beside it was-so help me-a pair of handcuffs. I almost laughed, trying to imagine New Agey Abigail into something kinky. Maybe I hadn't been the only one to visit the sex-toy shop. Of course, whereas mine had been cheap and lightweight, these were industrial-strength steel ones, like cops would use. If she was into kinky stuff, then it was pretty hardcore.

I drove back to Tucson after that, arriving in early evening. My autopilot sense of direction started to take me home, and then, at the last moment, I called Tim.

"Has Kiyo called or stopped by?"

"Nope. But one of his cats threw up on the living-room floor."

"That's not quite the same."

We disconnected, and I checked my cell phone for the hundredth time. Nope. No missed calls there either. With a sigh, I turned toward Saguaro National Park and its easy-access crossroads. If Kiyo couldn't emerge from the Otherworld and into this one, then perhaps he'd sent some sort of message to the Thorn Land. I felt stupid and desperate, like a girl waiting by the phone. But what else could I do?

Unfortunately, the Otherworldly news was no better.

"No, your majesty," said Nia. Her voice was anxious and apologetic, as though she herself was personally to blame. "There's been no word."

I thanked her and figured that if I'd gone to the trouble to come here, I should find Shaya and get some sort of update. When I went searching, however, it was a most unexpected visitor I found instead: Girard, the dark-skinned courtier and metalsmith from Maiwenn's party.

"Your majesty," he said with a bow, as flamboyant as ever. "I was hoping I'd see you before I had to leave."

"Before you had to...what are you doing here?" I asked, more perplexed than displeased by his presence.

"I've come to bring you this."

Like a magician producing a rabbit from under his cape, Girard held out a stunning necklace. The chain was made of exquisite, swirling links that rippled like water, and a pear-shaped sapphire ringed in pearls hung from it.

"Oh my God," I gasped, taking it from him. "This is incredible. Did you make this?"

"Yes, your majesty." His voice was modest, but he was clearly pleased by my regard.

"Who's it from?"

Recalling the comments others had made about his political aspirations, I half-expected it to be a gift from him. Then, suddenly and hopefully, I wondered if Kiyo had sent it as a token of affection since he had to spend so much time away from me. I wouldn't have put it past Dorian either, but he would have presented it himself.

"It's from Prince Leith of the Rowan Land."

Of course. I should have known. Leith accepting his fate last night had been too good to be true.

"His highness adds that he'll also have me make a crown to match if you would like. He sends this with his greatest love and devotion."

"I'm sure he does." I sighed and handed the necklace back. "Well, a crown is definitely out of the question, I'm afraid. And actually...I'm really sorry, Girard, but I can't even keep this. I hate for your Copyright 2016 - 2024