Thorn Queen Page 0,71

light shone on it. My head was regaining its pleasant buzz again. "Do you think Maiwenn's going to have a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know," said Shaya after several moments of silence. "There are those who can magically determine such things. But I haven't heard of the Willow Queen doing that."

"Probably not." Kiyo would have told me. Or would he have? Maybe he would have held on to that news, keeping it as a special secret between him and Maiwenn. I poured another shot but didn't drink it yet. Shitfaced was one thing; sick was another. "Back in my world, they would have known its gender a long time ago. They also would have been able to tell all sorts of things-its size, if it had any diseases, even if it was twins or triplets. There's this machine we've got. You run a paddle over the mother's stomach, and then you can see the baby up on this screen. Or, sometimes, even earlier, they can take a needle and suck up amniotic fluid to find out the same things."

Rurik and Shaya were staring at me wide-eyed. It was a common expression amongst Otherworldly denizens whenever I began talking about human technology.

"I wonder sometimes if there's any mystery or wonder left in your world at all."

I glanced over and saw Ysabel's form silhouetted in the doorway to the castle.

"Oh, sure. Plenty of it." I gestured her over. "Come have a drink. I'm pretty sure I'm too drunk to kill anyone tonight."

Ysabel hesitated a few seconds and then slowly walked over, sitting near Rurik and Shaya, as far from me as she could respectfully go. She grimaced slightly at the tiles as she tucked her flowing silk skirts underneath her. No doubt being on the ground went against her fastidious nature. Rurik cheerfully handed her a tequila shot. She sniffed it, and her scowl returned.

My mind was still on babies. "Seems like ultrasounds would be useful to you guys. I mean, what with the trouble you have having kids."

There was a good chance, I knew, that Maiwenn might not even survive the delivery. Or that her child wouldn't. It was common among the gentry, sort of the cost for their long and healthy lives. I didn't know how I felt about that. I didn't wish death on either of them...and yet, how much simpler would things be if there was no Maiwenn and no baby? Even now, I could picture Kiyo by her side, holding her hand. His handsome face would be lined with worry as he spoke words of encouragement. Surely, with his human blood, their baby would be healthy and strong. And Maiwenn was a healer.... would that be useful to herself? Maybe. Everything would go well, I was certain, and they'd undoubtedly have a beautiful baby, one that would create a bond between them forever, a bond I could never be a part of....

I drank my next shot and noticed that Ysabel had manfully downed hers. "Nice work," I said. "You want another?"

She shook her head. "I don't consider it ladylike to drown oneself in excess, losing hold of inhibitions and all sense of decorum."

"Of course you don't," I said.

"I believe," she added primly, "that the Willow Queen shares my views."

I smiled, spinning my cup on the ground, watching in fascination as it turned in smaller and smaller circles before coming to a stop. With Maiwenn's baby consuming my thoughts, Ysabel's baiting seemed insignificant tonight.

We continued on for a while, Rurik keeping up with me in shots, with Shaya only occasionally indulging. Ysabel seemed to have lost her fear of me and continued her running commentary of barbed remarks. I think knowing I was in a fragile state over Maiwenn's labor had emboldened her. In fact, she was in the middle of some anecdote about how Kiyo and Maiwenn had first gotten involved when her words came to a halt, and her features lit up with surprise.

"My lord!" she cried, springing up just as one of my servants began announcing, "His royal majesty, King Dorian, of the House of Arkady, caller of earth-"

Dorian strode forward into the courtyard without waiting for his titles to finish. Ysabel fell to her knees before him, face radiant. "My lord!"

He gave her a brief nod of acknowledgment and then swept on past her toward me. I don't think anyone except me saw the devastation that filled her face over the slight. Shaya and Rurik began to rise out of courtesy, but Dorian Copyright 2016 - 2024