Thorn Queen Page 0,66

above raping me. Jasmine had to be facing the same thing, the target of anyone who wanted to be the father of Storm King's heir. These soldiers she was talking about might have had no connection at all to Moria's abductors-if she had been abducted. Fuck. This was all hurting my brain. I needed to talk to Roland and Art before jumping to any more conclusions.

And in the meantime, this was all good reason to keep Jasmine under lock and key.

"Sorry," I told her. "You aren't going anywhere. You'll be lucky if I don't break out the Depo-Provera and fill your cell full of abstinence propaganda."

"Cell? You are not locking me in any cell." Her lips were puffed into a pout. Again, she seemed so much like any ordinary surly teen that I nearly laughed. She looked more like a girl who'd been grounded from texting than one who aspired to be an all-powerful fairy queen.

When I didn't respond, the impact seemed to truly hit her.

"You can' can't do that! Do you know who I am? I'm a princess. I'm Storm King's daughter! My son is going to rule the worlds."

I shook my head. "No, you're a self-absorbed brat in serious need of discipline and counseling."

"You can't do that!"

"I can...or did you forget who I am? I'm the big sister who rules a kingdom and isn't going to let you jump all over this prophecy."

"You can't lock me up forever," she warned.

"She's right," a voice behind me said.

I turned and saw Ysabel hovering near the doorway. She didn't look terrified of me anymore, but she no longer bore that cocky arrogance. She looked cool and aloof.

"You can't lock her up forever," continued Ysabel. "You should kill her."

"What?" Both Jasmine and I spoke at the same time. Ysabel seemed perfectly blase about it all.

"She's your greatest rival to bearing Storm King's grandson. So long as she lives, she always will be an obstacle. The only way you'll be free and retain your power is if she's gone."

I started to protest that I didn't want to beat Jasmine to the prophecy. Then, I realized that part didn't matter. It was Jasmine's own desire for getting pregnant that was the problem, and Ysabel was right to a certain extent. As long as Jasmine was around, I wouldn't have any peace.

I slowly shook my head. "I'm not killing my own sister. But I am double-binding her. Somebody get another set of iron cuffs."

I saw a few guards flinch. Even with as little iron as the cuffs had, that was still more than most gentry could comfortably handle. Doubling it would stunt her magic even more, but that human blood was still going to give us trouble.

"I want her cell guarded at all times," I told Rurik. "With more than you usually would post. And make sure you've got guards that can actually use magic." Someone had returned with the second set of cuffs by then, causing Jasmine to start up a new round of shrieks and protests.

Rurik gave me a nod and then said in a low voice, "If I could speak to your majesty in private?"

I arched an eyebrow. Rurik always obeyed me but rarely bothered with formalities or respect, which didn't bother me. In public, though, he always used my titles, and I wondered what was on his mind. We stepped out of the room, past a disapproving Ysabel, and came to a halt a little ways down the hall.

"Keeping the girl locked and under guard might not be the best idea," he said.

I groaned. "Don't tell me you think I should kill her too."

He shrugged. "Dorian would tell you to. But if you insist on keeping her here, then get that demon of yours to guard her."

For a moment, I thought of the fire demons. Then, I realized he was using a more generalized term. "You mean Volusian?"

"I'm not saying they'd do it...." Rurik hesitated. "But I'm not saying they wouldn't either. A lot of those guards might be tempted by the thought of fathering the heir, and if she offered..."

"Good God. She's fifteen."

"Old enough. It didn't stop Aeson, and if she convinced one of the guards, her age wouldn't matter. I'm guessing your, uh, friend wouldn't be so easily swayed."

Volusian swayed by sex? Hardly. Particularly if he was under my commands.

"Fine. I'll summon him." Volusian would also stop any magic she could muster.

"You might also consider finding a potion master to create a tincture of nightshade."

"A what?"

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