Thorn Queen Page 0,62

minute passed before the door opened. The woman who had accosted me on my first visit peered out, eyes wide. "Your majesty," she said humbly, inclining her head. She didn't seem to recognize Dorian. "We-we didn't know you were here."

"I want to see her," I said impatiently. "Let me talk to her."

The woman hesitated, fearful of me but also fearful of something else, apparently. Davros was undeterred. "This is the Thorn Queen! Let her in."

With a gulp, the woman stepped aside. I found myself in a small but clean cottage, dimly lit thanks to all the curtains being drawn, though all the windows were open to allow a breeze. The woman's husband met us as we walked through the kitchen, his face pale and afraid.

"Your majesty...forgive us. We were afraid to tell you. We were afraid she'd run away again."

"I'm not going to hurt her. I just want to talk to her." It was a bit depressing, between Ysabel and this family, knowing everyone was terrified of me. Ironically, before I'd known about my gentry heritage, I'd been proud of the fear I inflicted on Otherworldly inhabitants. "Please take me to her."

I felt Dorian's hand on my shoulder and his breath warm against my ear as he whispered, "You do not need to say please."

With a quick exchange of looks, the couple led us to the back of the cottage, into a tiny bedroom. It too was darkened, and I could make out a slim girl lying on a bed. There was a washcloth on her forehead that fell off when she sat upright at our approach. She cringed against the wall.

"Who is it? I told you I didn't want to see anyone...."

"It's all right, Moria," said her mother. "This is the queen. She's come to talk to you. She's not going to hurt you."

The girl wilted even more, blond hair covering half of her face. "No, no...She's come with the others, come with her human blood to bind us and kill us and-"

"Moria," I said gently, holding my hands out as one would under a white flag. "She's right. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you. It won't take long."

"They all say that," Moria said, eyes wide with tears. "They all say they won't hurt you...all the're no different...they all say they aren't...." She lapsed into muttering too low for me to hear, her hands clinging to the covers.

"I think," Dorian murmured to me, "that her experience has left her...ah, a little touched. I doubt you'll get anything useful from her. There's a healer at Maiwenn's court who's particularly good with sickness of the mind. You should send for her."

I had a feeling he was right but had to make one more attempt. "I just want to know where you've been. Who took you. I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Tell me who it is, and I'll stop them."

"No," she breathed. "You're the same...the same as him...the Red Snake Man."

"Red Snake..." I still had demons on the brain, and an image of their red and black mottled skin came to mind. Were they snake-like? "Moria, were you taken by demons? Or some kind of..." Hell, in the Otherworld, any monster you could imagine pretty much existed, as Smokey had shown us. ", snake monster?"

She shook her head frantically. "Our own kind don't hurt us. It's only're all the same...the human blood...all marked the same...." Her eyes left my face and lowered. For a disorienting moment, I thought she was staring at my chest until I realized her gaze was on my arm. I absentmindedly touched the spot. It was where my snake tattoo coiled around my arm. Moria squeezed her eyes shut. "All the same..."

I stiffened. "Did he...are you saying the person who took you had a tattoo like this on his arm?"

"The Red Snake Man," she whispered, still refusing to open her eyes.

"Did he banish you? Did he force you to this world? Or did you come back on your own?"

"Iron...iron everywhere..."

I stared off at nothing for several seconds. "I'm done," I said, turning to her parents. "She can rest now."

I left the house as swiftly as I'd come in, Dorian matching my pace. "What's going on? That meant something to you."

I nodded, heading toward where Rurik stood with our horses. "I think I know who took her-and maybe the others. Not bandits or a monster. It was a human."

"How do you know that?"

"Because of the tattoo." Copyright 2016 - 2024