Thorn Queen Page 0,59

over themselves to welcome the Oak King, and he swept inside as though perfectly entitled to it. Which, I guessed, he was. Nonetheless, I had no time for his antics today and greeted him with hands on my hips.

"Not today, Dorian. I have things to do."

"As do I," he said. He had that typically laconic tone to his voice, but there was an oddly serious-and impatient-look in his eyes. It was not an expression I'd seen very often. "I've come to see my subject. I knew you wouldn't welcome her with open arms, but honestly, my dear, your attempts at murder shock even me-no small feat."

My jaw nearly dropped to the floor, both because of his assumption and the fact that she'd somehow gotten a message out to him. "Wha-? Dorian, it's not true! It was an accident. I didn't realize what I was doing."

"May I see her?" he asked, not acknowledging my plea.

I could hardly deny him that, and he hurried off to her room without another word. She admitted him-no surprise there-and I found myself pacing the entire time they were together. It had been bad enough that Ysabel had thought me capable of assault. But somehow...the idea of Dorian thinking badly of me? Well, it struck me harder. I shouldn't have cared what he thought-God knew I was mad at him more often than not. Yet, I realized that deep inside I wanted his good opinion. I felt sick to my stomach that I might have lost it.

When he emerged, his face was still serious. "I believe I have convinced her that your intentions weren't murderous."

I sagged in relief-more, I think, because he appeared to believe me. "Thank you."

"The question now is: do you want her to stay?"

"Will she?" I asked, startled.

"She obeys me," he said simply. "She'll stay and continue to teach if I tell her to."

"I don't want anyone here against their will..."

"I've assured her of her safety. She won't live in-much-fear of you. So, that's no longer the issue. The issue instead is if you want to continue with her teachings."

"I can't-not after..." I stopped, realizing I was unsure of the words leaving my lips. I didn't want to be like Storm King. I didn't want a natural affinity for learning ways to kill people. And yet...I couldn't stop thinking about the way I'd felt wielding that kind of power. Controlling water had given me a rush; air had doubled it.

Dorian's gold-green eyes were watching me very carefully. "I see," he said. "Then I'll tell her she'll be staying a little longer."

I started to protest but couldn't. He returned to her, stayed a few more minutes, and then joined me in my parlor where I had resumed pacing.

"Well, then," he said briskly, "that is that." The grim set to his face was gone, and I found myself grateful to see the return of his usual mien. "I noticed you were about to leave. Off to free humans from your subjects?"

"Off to free my subjects from me."

I explained my task, and his features lit up with interest. "How convenient that I'll be traveling in the same direction. Unless you'd like me to wait here until you return?"

No, the last thing I wanted was to encourage Dorian to make himself at home in my castle. So, I grudgingly conceded that he could go with me, partly because I still felt guilty and grateful over his intervention in the Ysabel incident. One bright side to him being with me was that Rurik decided I didn't need an entire retinue for the trip. He alone accompanied us, and I wondered idly how Dorian managed to go wherever he wanted without an entourage. I didn't like to think he was a more authoritative ruler than me.

"Don't give me a hard time about this air thing," I warned. "I don't want any spiels about how I'm embracing my heritage and approaching my destiny."

Dorian smiled, eyes on the road ahead of us. "I don't need to tell you things you already know."

"Of course...I suppose if I did get a better grip on my magic, I might be able to get rid of those fucking fire demons."

"You see? I told you I don't need to say anything. You're finding ways to rationalize your use of magic all on your own."

"Hey, this is a serious threat. You can't tell me you'd be all casual if you had demons running loose in your kingdom." I frowned. "Or would you? I got the impression a Copyright 2016 - 2024