Thorn Queen Page 0,55

working. Okay, it was more than just my pride here. I was succumbing to temptation. With hardly any effort, Ysabel had just nearly knocked me over. It was more than I could do-much more-and her power nowhere near matched mine. If I had that kind of mastery, I could create hurricanes and blow apart buildings. Being in full possession of my magic would make me a god.

That shouldn't have mattered. I shouldn't have wanted that...but some secret part of me did. Well, not the god part. But certainly the rest. Power like that could help my people, I tried to convince myself.

"Okay. Let's get this over with then." I acted like getting rid of her was my only concern-not that that wasn't a huge motivating factor.

This castle, I was finding, was filled with rooms-most of which didn't seem to have much use. Most of the servants and guards had their own quarters, still leaving a ton of rooms unoccupied and gathering dust. I really only had need of my meeting room and parlor when I was there, and the rest had thus far stayed unused.

The parlor was apparently being cleaned, so on impulse, I led Ysabel to one of the abandoned rooms. It had a river-rock fireplace that wasn't going to see use anytime soon, but the striped brocade furniture hadn't accrued too much dust. I flounced down onto a chair, arms crossed and posture defensive.

"Okay. Make this fast."

Ysabel examined her sofa carefully before easing down and spreading her voluminous skirts around her. She crossed her hands on her lap, and if not for the expression on her face that said she wanted to rip me apart, I would have said she looked dainty and ladylike.

"Dorian says I'm to teach you to improve your power with air."

"Something like that."

She eyed me critically. "Before we begin, I want it made abundantly clear that I am not doing this by choice."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

Her lips curled into a sneer at my sarcasm. "I don't know what Dorian sees in you. You think you're so clever and witty when really, you're just a plain, uncouth human."

"Half-human," I corrected. "And plain or not, your boyfriend-and, like, every other guy around here-would give up his right arm to get me into bed." I really shouldn't have provoked her like that. Not only was it mean, it was also going to make this whole magic lesson probably even more unbearable.

"Believe me, it's through no charm of your own. It's only the prophecy and your alleged breeding ability, and once that's run its course, well..." She demurely smoothed the wrinkles out of her skirt, not that there really were any. "It's only your child anyone will have interest in, not you."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but there isn't going to be a child." Not as long as my doctor kept prescribing me birth control pills.

Ysabel looked up, face filled with skepticism. "Oh? Then why are you with the...kitsune?" She said kitsune like it was a dirty word. Dorian often did too, though he did it mostly to irritate me. I think Ysabel legitimately looked down on Kiyo. "If you really are a queen..." She looked skeptical over this as well. "...then why lower yourself by taking him as a consort? The only reason you would have is in the hopes of him fathering a child on you, just as he did Maiwenn. Clearly, he's proven his virility...which might be of particular concern to you. You claim you're trying not to conceive, but perhaps that's a lie to hide the fact that you can't."

"What? That's insane!"

"Whereas I..." She ran her hands proudly along the sides of her hips. "...have already bore two children."

Whoa. That was startling-and a point of pride for her, no doubt, considering the gentry fertility issue. "To whom?" For some reason, the thought that it might be Dorian bothered me.

"My husband. He was killed years ago in battle." She frowned slightly, the first sign of soft emotion I'd seen on her. In a flash, her normal bitchy expression returned. "They live with my parents right now and are healthy and strong. My lord Dorian knows I can undoubtedly have more. That's why he cast you aside for me, forcing you to turn to the kitsune for your fleeting chances of offspring."

"That's not what Dorian and I-never mind. Look, for the last time, I'm not with Kiyo to get pregnant, okay? I'm with him because I love him."

She sniffed. "I find that unlikely. If you just wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024