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was still able to feel in control.

"I've got another hand and two feet," he pointed out.

I smiled sweetly and reached back into the bag. I pulled out three more pairs of handcuffs. His smile faded to astonishment.

"Don't worry," I said. "I've got it covered."

I made sure all his hands and feet were locked into place, putting him at my mercy and ensuring he wouldn't do anything I didn't want him to. And as I lowered my hips down near his face, spreading my thighs so that the warmth of his mouth and tongue had no choice but to lick and suck as long as I wanted, I felt smug satisfaction in knowing for certain that I would be the one who got off first tonight.

Chapter Twelve

Kiyo took off as soon as we got back to Tucson, saying he had to go to work. He also added that I shouldn't expect him later that night since he'd promised Maiwenn he'd come visit. Normally, that would have set my mood plummeting-and I won't lie, I wasn't thrilled as it was-but after last night, I felt superior and confident in my position with him at the moment. Somehow, I doubted he'd be looking at Maiwenn with the same awe he kept regarding me after I'd ridden him to exhaustion last night. If the crossroads in Yellow River-which we'd visited before heading out of town-had only yielded some answers this morning, I would have considered the trip a resounding success.

"Nice of you to spend some time around here," Tim told me when I emerged from the shower. As usual, he appeared to be cooking something.

"What's that?" I asked, watching him roll out dough.

"Cinnamon rolls," he replied. "The second batch I've had to make, thanks to someone raiding the kitchen while they cooled." He shot a glare over in the direction of one of the dogs-Yang, I thought-lying under the table. Yang looked extremely pleased with himself.

"Sorry," I said, even though it wasn't exactly my fault.

Tim finished rolling out the dough and sprinkled the surface with a mixture of cinnamon and brown sugar. "And don't think you're going to change the subject about never being around."

I found a Coke in the refrigerator and sat down, a little irritated over the scolding. "Well, sorry you miss my company, but I don't really see how it matters. Our deal is you live here rent-free in exchange for cooking and cleaning. Me not being here means you have less work. Besides, I've had things to do."

He scowled. "Yeah, I suppose. But do your 'things' actually involve your job-the one that gets the mortgage paid? Your secretary called last night and said you missed an appointment. And you know, dealing with her isn't part of my rental agreement."

Despite having never met, Tim and my receptionist, Lara, had an antagonistic relationship over the phone. I had no time to give to their drama today, though. The other news was too startling. "I did what?"

I took out my phone, which also doubled as my planner. In addition to two missed calls from Lara, I discovered I had indeed missed an appointment for a banishing last night. I'd been so fixated on my quest in Yellow River that I'd totally forgotten I had it.

"Shit," I muttered, dialing Lara's number. As keen as I was on these missing girls, Tim had a point-my human jobs paid the bills. Not the gentry ones.

"What happened?" demanded Lara as soon as she answered. No hello.

"I got distracted by something else," I said. "I'm really sorry. You think we can reschedule? Give them a discount or something?"

"Probably," she conceded. "I mean, it's not like they've got many other options to get rid of a ghost. In the meantime, though, I've got some other pending clients."

I hesitated. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about accepting as many jobs as I could. It was good for my bank account and a good deed for the world. With as much as the Otherworld was preoccupying me, however, I couldn't afford losing the time right now-or possibly missing another appointment.

"Reschedule the one I missed and book only one of the others. Tell the rest we have to wait-list them."

Lara was silent for several seconds. "Are you serious?"

"Afraid so."

She sighed. "Okay. You can still pay my salary, though, right?"

"Yes," I laughed. "I haven't gone bankrupt yet."

"Okay then." She sounded only moderately pacified. "But for the record? Your roommate needs to learn some manners. He was a total asshole when I called last Copyright 2016 - 2024