Thorn Queen Page 0,26

compared to the dry heat we'd just been in. Then, the cold lifted, and Volusian stood before me.

Volusian was my minion, for lack of a better word. He was a damned soul, cursed to wander without rest for all eternity after committing atrocious acts in life. I'd fought and bound him to me, forcing him to serve me. Volusian wasn't very happy about this and frequently liked to remind me of how he would destroy me if he ever broke free of my control. After hearing stuff like that over and over, it almost took on a familiar feel, kind of like how a pop song heard often enough will work its way into your heart. While Otherworldly spirits often had insubstantial forms in the human world, the shape Volusian had now looked exactly the same as it would if I summoned him back home: a short, imp-like creature with black skin, pointed ears, and red eyes.

"My mistress calls," he said in a flat voice. "And I answer. Regretfully."

"Oh, Volusian," I said cheerfully. "Always a joy to have you around. You're such a ray of sunshine on a dreary day."

Volusian merely stared.

I turned to the others, hoping I sounded queenly and authoritative. "Alright. Let's go kick some outlaws out of town."

I still wasn't used to having an entourage of guards. So much of my life had been solitary, so much of it spent fighting on my own...well, I didn't really know what to do with so many people at my back. As we headed toward our destination, I found it was a lot easier to deal with the guards if I just focused on Kiyo and pretended we were alone.

"I can't believe you gave Shaya a place mat and now expect her to revolutionize this place's total infrastructure," he noted.

"What else am I supposed to do?" I asked. "You were just complaining about me getting too involved in this place. Handing off a place mat is about as uninvolved as I can get-unless you're saying I should take a more active role now?"

"No," he answered swiftly, face darkening a little. "Believe me, if there were an easy way for you to give up this place, I'd make you do it."

I cut him a glance. "You'd make me, huh?"

"Encourage," he amended. "Unfortunately, it's a moot point. The only way to lose a kingdom is if your power drops or...well, if you're killed."

"I'm sure Volusian would love to help with that."

My minion walked near me, needing no horse to move swiftly. Upon hearing his name, he said, "I would perform the deed with great relish and much suffering on your part, mistress."

"You can't put a price on that kind of loyalty," I told Kiyo solemnly. "No crown even required."

Kiyo grunted noncommittally. There was a lot of tension between him and Dorian, but the one thing they both agreed on was that Volusian was trouble. Both had encouraged me to get rid of him. I didn't have the power to completely banish him to the Underworld, but it probably could be managed with another magic user. Still, dangerous or no, I continued to retain the spirit's services.

"Are you going to stick around when we're done here?" I asked. That was my subtle way of asking if Kiyo was going to see Maiwenn.

His dark eyes were on the road ahead, thoughtful. "No. I was hoping to go back to Tucson and see if I could get this hot chick I know to go out with me. I hear she's in demand, though. She keeps putting me off each time I try to plan something romantic."

"Yeah, well, maybe if you come up with a good itinerary, you could lure her out."

"I was thinking dinner at Joe's."

I made a face. "If that's the case, maybe you'd better brace yourself for rejection."

"Red Pepper Bistro?"

"Okay. Now you're in the zone."

"Followed by a long massage in the sauna."

"That's pretty good too."

"And then indecent things in the sauna."

"I hope you mean you'll be doing the indecent things-because I more than did my share last night."

Kiyo glanced over at me with a mischievous grin. "Who says I'm talking about you?"

I would have swatted him if he'd been in reach. Instead, I grinned back, my mood happy and light. Bantering with him like this was just like the old days, back before Maiwenn and this baby business was an issue. I felt like his girlfriend again. And despite just having had sex last night, I couldn't deny the truth. Thinking about having Copyright 2016 - 2024