Of Thorn and Thread (Daughters of Eville #4) - Chanda Hahn Page 0,21

nightdress and turn sideways. I waited for the accusations to start, followed by the condemnation. Instead, he leaned his head back, closed his eyes and ignored me.

His silence unnerved me, audibly and mentally. Surely, he would have some thoughts or reprimands, but he left me a blank slate. I wasn’t even picking up an aura. Instead, I was left to stew in my own internal dialogue of assumptions, which left me tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on the bench seat.

But no matter how I positioned myself, I was chilled to the bone, and my nightdress became uncomfortably cold. His green eyes opened, and he sighed in annoyance.

Ah ha! I thought, as he finally revealed his feelings. He is frustrated with me.

Liam stood, claimed the seat next to me, and pulled me in close. Lifting his arm, draping the cloak over the two of us.

I gasped and scooted away, but he pulled my elbow until I fell against his side, my cheek resting against his chest. He turned to sit sideways in the transport and held me close, his left arm resting comfortably on my arm.

Frozen stiff, I dared not move or breath.

“Relax,” he muttered sleepily. “It’s my duty to keep you safe. And if that means keeping you warm and alive until we reach Rya, then so be it. I will be your blanket. Don’t worry, your virtue is safe with me.”

I would have struggled more if I hadn’t seen the flash of white signaling truth with his words.

“Why did you follow me?” I asked.

“Shh.” He pressed his finger to my lips. “I’m tired. I spent all night tracking you. Less talk. More sleep.”

I shifted, and my right elbow poked him. I heard a mental groan of pain and my eyes widened as I remembered the gash in his side. Carefully, I reached down with my hand and felt the wound. Using magic, I eased his pain.

I heard his sigh of relief, and I gritted my teeth and let my own tears of empathy fall. It hurt so much, and he had been hiding it from me. This wasn’t the same wound my mother had bandaged. It was a new one that I would question later. I took as much pain as I could handle until I heard Liam fall into a deep sleep.

Chapter Eight

The sun brushed along my eyelids, tickling them awake. I was warm, comfortable, and I didn’t want to move. I nuzzled my pillow that smelled like leather and woods . . . then my pillow moved.

Oh. My arm’s asleep.

My eyes flew open, and I lifted my head to glance into Liam’s solemn green eyes. He didn’t smile, just gave me a curious look. Embarrassed, I pulled his cloak over my head and hid. Then my body shook. No, I wasn’t shaking. Liam was vibrating with silent laughter. I peeked out from under the cloak, and this time his stoic expression broke, and the corners of his lips lifted into a smile.

I relaxed, sat up, and the cloak fell from my shoulders, and immediately I felt exposed. I turned, giving him my back as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. I was aghast at how much mud and dirt coated my nightdress and my feet.

Carefully, I undid my long hair and tried to comb through the mass of tangles with my fingers.

It’s like moonlight.

My fingers paused in their detangling as I listened. I must have misheard. He wouldn’t have complimented me. I glanced over my shoulder and Liam was staring out the window intently. I let out a long breath and went back to doing the best to make my hair presentable. My hair was down to my waist and all I could do was put it back into a braid. Once finished, I moved to the other side of the transport and wrapped my arms around myself.

Liam glanced over at me.

So pathetic.

That one hurt. I turned away to stare out the window.

Liam leaned forward, and I flinched thinking he was going to touch me. He gave me an odd look and rapped on the roof. The transport pulled over and Liam stepped out. He spoke in low tones with the driver, and I used the distraction to wipe at my face.

I was not pathetic. I was a woman, and I could take care of myself. Liam hopped back in and we were on our way again. He seemed fine with the lack of talking, so I obliged him by ignoring him. Which went

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