Of Thorn and Thread (Daughters of Eville #4) - Chanda Hahn Page 0,16

tonight would be a perfect night to clear my thoughts and head. Leaving my boots behind, the grass felt chill beneath my bare feet. The wind pulled at my nightdress, and my braid had come partially loose from all of my tossing and turning. I headed into the woods behind our house into a small clearing of circular stones. A fairy circle.

Sometimes we would sit out here when we were supposed to be practicing our spells, and instead we’d lay out and stare at the stars and tell stories to escape. Maeve always leaned toward the horror stories, Honor loved adventure, and I loved the princess stories.

Tonight, I was seeking a different kind of escape. One from my own mind and thoughts. Here in the fairy circle I could rest undisturbed, and maybe even practice weaving a sleeping spell on myself.

I snapped my fingers and the enchanted candle lit, creating a circle of light to chase away the shadows and fears. The lavender and mint I crumbled together and sprinkled on the ground before curling up in the velvet like grass. For fairy circles were made of magic, and they were very pleasing to sleep or dance barefoot in. Looking around, I placed the ward crystal near my head. It didn’t flicker in warning, signaling there was no danger to me.

Mother didn’t approve of me sleeping outside under the stars, but here is where it was quietest. Away from the constant roaming thoughts of a house full of women. Where the only thoughts that plagued me were my own.

With the tip of my finger, I traced a symbol in the air for sleep and wove a simple sleeping spell over myself. The symbol glowed, rose into the air and burst, releasing a golden net of sparkles that fell like dust over my body. It coated my hair and nose, and as I breathed it in, I felt drowsy. It wasn’t safe to do in the confines of the tower where a stray wind could cause my spell to drift and affect my sisters. My eyes grew heavy, and I yawned, sprawling out on the ground, tucking my hands under my head. The white prickly branches of trees seemed to reach for me, the moon grew to the size of the sky as the night became muffled and I fell asleep.

Chapter Six

The steady bobbing rhythm jarred my fuzzy head. I blinked and sunlight pierced my eyes. I shuddered at the pain and quickly closed them. A hardness pressed against my cheek and I tried to search with my senses. I was moving on a horse and cradled in the arms of someone. Against the pain, I tried to spy through lowered lashes and saw only the golden crest on the leather armor.

As we passed under the shade of a group of trees, I opened my eyes fully and tried to speak, but choked on the cloth in my mouth.

“Mmmff,” I growled angrily through the gag.

The sun cast my captor into shadow. He used the reins to spur the horse faster. I cried out as the change in speed jarred me, and thought for sure that I would plummet to the ground to my death. His left arm tightened around my waist.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” You’re too important.

Without thinking, it became fight or flight. I kicked up with my leg and struck the hand holding the reins, forcing all of my weight on the one arm, and flung myself backwards off of the horse, bringing my kidnapper with me.

“Whoa!” he cried, as he wrapped his body around me as we crashed into the earth.

Pain radiated outward from my hip, light flashed in my eyes, and I looked up as the probably stolen horse took off running through the woods. Using my bound hands, I pulled the gag from my mouth and quickly worked at the knots around my wrists with my teeth until I was free. I turned to run, but glanced at my captor and froze. I recognized him.

It was Liam, and he wasn’t moving.

I should run as far as I could away from him, but something told me not to. I couldn’t leave him alone in the woods—injured. Slowly, I made my way back to Liam and pushed against his chest with my foot. He groaned, and I saw blood pool in the grass.

I cursed. My foolishness had probably reopened the stitches. Feeling a sense of obligation, I stayed by his side and waited for him to

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