Thirst for Vampire - D.S. Murphy Page 0,87

tree, inches from the leader’s head.

“I don’t want to fight you,” I said. “But I will if I have to.”

But then a hand seized my wrist, far too strong to be human. One of the rebels had been drinking elixir. A punch hit me like a sledgehammer, and I felt my ribs crack. I doubled over in pain, gasping for breath.

Another seized me, binding me tightly in rope.

But then he was flung backwards, by a ghostly spectral who darted out of the trees. Penelope, with wild hair and bright eyes, wearing a semi-translucent nightgown that revealed her thin figure.

“Elite!” One of the man screamed. He raised his rifle and fired on her, twice. Penelope frowned at him, looking down at the bloody hole in her breast.

Then she backhanded him so hard his neck twisted unnaturally. Before I could say anything, she’d pounced, latching onto his neck with her jaws and dragging the carcass into the bushes like a cat with prey.

And then came the blinding lights.

Spotlights on all sides, and more coming every second. It was like the whole town had awakened. I blinked against the light, blocking it with one hand as the dark silhouettes moved closer through the tall grass. I was unarmed, and unprepared for a real fight. The mayor, along with dozens of others from the town, trained their weapons on me.

Tobias stood by his side, along with a small contingent of royal guards in black and gold uniforms, their swords drawn. I edged backwards, wondering if I could dodge enough bullets to make it over the fence of the compound.

“That’s enough, Emily,” Tobias said. “This is low, even for you. Sabotaging the engines.”

“I was trying to stop them,” I said, disentangling myself from the rope. “Does it look like we’re friendly?”

“Whatever, save your explanations for the king. I’ve already sent word of your capture.”

“Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?” I smirked, with more confidence than I felt. “We got away last time.”

“How’s this for an ultimatum?” He asked, waving his hand. One by one, the townsfolk turned their weapons on themselves, pushing the tips of their blades into each other’s throats. The mayor’s frightened eyes found mine, pleading with me in the darkness even as his limbs betrayed him.

Tobias had them all under his sway. I had no idea he was this powerful. His long blond hair glinted in the lamps against his dark coat. Unlike the guards, his hands were empty. He hadn’t even drawn his sword.

“Come with me peacefully,” Tobias said, curling his fingers in the air, “or they’ll all die.”

“Tobias, this isn’t you,” I said, stepping forward.

“It is now,” he said coldly.

“Tobias?” A timid voice called from the trees. Tobias spun like he’d been stung, as Penelope stepped out of the shadows into the light. Her hair was wild and blood dripped down her chin, soaking through her white nightgown, but her eyes were clear and focused.

Tobias’s jaw went slack and he stared at her in disbelief. Then he unclenched his fist, swiping through the air with his bare palm. All the villagers under his control, all the elite guards, toppled into the mud like they’d been blasted by an invisible shockwave.

Then he swept Penelope in a bone-crushing hug.


The two elite fell into each other’s arms, surrounded by a sea of bodies. I stood awkwardly to the side, my heart pounding.

“I didn’t want to believe it,” Tobias said, caressing her cheek. “I thought I’d lost you. I thought I’d lost myself.”

“I’m here,” Penelope said. “It’s me. Well, mostly.”

His eyes softened, and he stepped back to examine her. Blood covered her neck and torso, and she had a bullet hole below her collarbone, but it had missed her heart and was already healing. Her eyes were wild and manic, her hair tangled, her fangs sharp. And yet I’d never seen her look more composed. She’d always been poised and elegant, now she moved with a supernatural speed and grace.

Both elites stiffened suddenly, noticing the others arrive before I did, their shadows weaving through the mud and grain in the darkness, stepping over the unconscious bodies.

Luke let out a low whistle as he got closer, then froze when he saw Tobias holding Penelope. Trevor’s eyes went wide as well, but I shook my head. Tobias was no longer a threat.

He put away his weapons and crossed the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me.

“What happened?” Luke asked. “We heard the gunshots.”

“You can explain later,” Tobias said. “We don’t have much time. They’ll wake up Copyright 2016 - 2024